Games where you can build fortresses and test their mettle?

Games where you can build fortresses and test their mettle?

Attached: FortDrum.jpg (640x480, 95.44K)


7 days to die

I'd tell you but jannies banned me for three days for saying "sneed"

Dwarf Fortress

age of empire

got anything more modern?
pretty fun but janky as all hell

I love this genre too.
fallout 4
Conan exiles with some tweaks

Attached: rb.jpg (2560x1440, 587.13K)


Came here to say this. I had a ton of fun on this, even though it's janky as fuck. Play it with a like-minded friend and it's a damn good time.

Attached: 7Days_a19_interior_03a.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

From the Depths

>From the Depths
I thought that was ship based?

Bloons TD 6

Cortex Command was fun for that.

Attached: file.png (1920x906, 1.49M)

A battleship is basically just a fortress you can move. You can also build and defend bases.


always imagined a "fortress sim" game, get a certain amount of materials/points and have to construct a fort to hold off a number of waves, can even have a freeplay mode to really test your building skills

I liked Conan because you can enslave people and turn them into guards and dress them up so they can guard the base

Problem is the NPCs are like 10 times stronger than you so you start to feel a bit useless when adventuring with a guard buddy (slave).

Rogue Tower is one of the best tower defense games in recent years

But not a fort

yeah something we're you can manage the garrison, have them run around manning positions, bringing ammo form the magazine, etc.

What does it do differently/better than bloons or gemcraft other than the expanding map thing

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