Year Six

Year Six.

How the fuck is this thing still selling?!

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People keep breaking thier systems

Still won't sell out while PS5 is still out of stock everywhere, really makes you think who's rigging the game, huh?

Plastic kids' toy. It keeps breaking like said.

Brand new super console gets curbstomped every month since release.

Fucking hysterical. How did sony fuck up so bad.

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It's just a really good console. The sales are also a lot more organic/word or mouth rather being based on advertising/hype/brand recognition. The reason the Switch just seems to keep going and going - despite most people agreeing that it's looking pretty underpowered these days - is that most people have a friend or a family member that has one, and when they try it out they realize it's actually really cool and for the price is something they definitely want in their life. Most people I know irl who have one don't even really care if a game is an exclusive or not; it just has such a great library there's shit for everyone and playing modern games on a comfy handheld just works.

I see the snoys have come out to seethe

>j-j-just you wait Tendie! The Steam Deck will kill the Switch!!!

Switch outsellls Steam Deck by 1000:1 every month


My sides XDD

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Not really. Both our consoles and dicks are rock solid. Nintendo always has performance issues.
>fps drops in botw

>fps drops in botw

lmao what fucking game DOESN'T have performance issues? Even going back to the Golden Ear of 16 bit games, some of the greatest games of all time had slowdown and sprite flicker. I guess ALL games are shit.

What a sad pathetic cope argument.

>How the fuck is this thing still selling?!

Its the best console on the market. Has been for years.

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>fps drops in botw
Seriously? Of all the possible shit you could bring up this is what you choose? I've probably put close to 300 hours into BotW and not once was I ever playing and thought, "yeah, this game kind of runs like shit".

>what fucking game DOESN'T have performance issues?
clearly you don't own a PS5

>PS5 doesn't have frame rate issues
>every game comes with a 30fps option

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more like the steamer deck lmao

>Switch outsellls Steam Deck by 1000:1 every month
McDonalds also outsells real food, doesn't make it not shit

It has a bigger screen than the DS and doesn't run down your phone battery.

its fun

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>I've probably put close to 300 hours into BotW
i've only done one playthrough and got maybe 40 hours and finished 100+ shrines and have no desire to replay it nor would it feel like it has replay value, how could someone possibly get 300 hours out of it? am i doing something wrong?

Despite the disgusting movie games like Xenoblade and Fire Emblem, it still puts out actual video games like Metroid and Mario, and that's already 10 steps above what sony and Microsoft are trying to do. They've gone full gung ho into the pretentious movie loving scene. Just look at how much they jerk off over TLOU or Uncharted or Persona or Nier: Automata. They only care about their fancy graphics and voice acting and pretentious storytelling. Sony and MS don't care about good gameplay anymore, and it's so frustrating.

When they're eventually kicked out the industry, I can only hope their effect on Nintendo will leave as well. Then the JRPG genre can shrivel up and die, as well as the visual novel genre. Then, and only then, can the healing begin.

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