Seems my superiority has caused a kerfuffle

>Seems my superiority has caused a kerfuffle

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Attached: broder engineer.webm (720x406, 2.91M)

Did you know that the homewrecker has additional damage against enemy buildings?

yer ugleh

it does, but it's useless considering the flamethrower has better range and if a building has 1 more HP then it necessitates a whole extra swing whereas the flamethrower can just burn for one more server tick.

As pointless as that is. You'd never opt to use it against a sentry unless you are trying to show off.

I fucking kneel to the engie and medic chads
>Team with are always provided with heals, ammo, ´protections and telies
>teams without them spend most of their fucking time waiting to respawn.

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How do we make it viable?

If you camp your own base and assist engineers, you can use it to remove sappers for them. It's a pyro-buddy weapon. Since Pyro is already optimal for spy hunting, it's a good role.

Yeah but Pyro has absolutely no answer to enemy sentries at all besides getting right up on it and using the flamethrower

i use it exclusively to remove sappers.

Well, yeah. You don't go Pyro if there's a sentry that needs busting. Other classes are suited for that.

I only ever play Soldier, but I love Engies. They're great fun to play against and to play with.

to the user who posted this pic thanks for the song you posted with it
also seeing these faggots try and join a game only to get kicked is fucking gratifying

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So is it finally over? Are the bots dead?


ive seen like 2 in the last 3 days none after this update 1 hacker but he was trying to play it off as skill wasnt a bot just a shitter. I don't want to say yes but they are kneecapped thats for sure.

Are you a masochist


This webm always gets a kek from me and I still dont know why

Not at all, busting up Engie nests and defending Engie nests just happen to be 2 of my favorite things to do when I'm hanging around 24/7 2Fort servers.

the blood splatters really sell it

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Add 75% knockback resistance while deployed.
Pyro is one of the lightest classes in the game, physics wise, so he can't really close the distance with sentries.
Even if you don't hit them with it, it'd be a viable tool for Pyro ubers/bruteforcing your way through or past nests.

You need to get a teammate to aggro the sentry so pyro can wreck shit. Or if the sentry has it's default position facing away from where you can sneak from, you can smack it while spinning around it. Not gonna work for Level 3s if they still have rockets loaded

Shit, that's a pretty good suggestion.

Attached: pyro laying down.jpg (172x114, 11.36K)

Nah, but they're much easier to deal with now.

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