Is Oblivion where Elder Scrolls went wrong?

is Oblivion where Elder Scrolls went wrong?

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nope. skyrim. oblivions quests had 10x better writing and more soul than the half baked FOR DA NORDS shit

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Morrowind was shit. Oblivion is where it got better. Skyrim even better than that. Your opinion is complete dog shit and you're a contrarian.

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on a mechanical level, sure. on a narrative / writing level? nope

do you remember a single third-to-last quest from literally any of the guild questlines

>on a narrative / writing level? nope
Mechanically sound game > bunch of lore and background bullshit tied to a garbage tier game. It's why Fallout New Vegas is shit too.

yes because the quests were actually cohesive and inspired in oblivion. the dark brotherhood alone is maybe the best shit they ever did

not saying oblivion wasnt mechanically sound but they have generally improved on aspects albeit at the expense of others. arguably both sides of that are solvable with mods

morrowinds combat may have been far more based on the rpg aspect than the action, but i really hate both oblivion and skyrim for adding the "random shitty enemies level up with you!" meme.

>arguably both sides of that are solvable with mods
which I'm hoping Elder Scrolls 6 doesn't need to become playable. It's amazing that a fully completed game on launch is so rare to expect these days.

this poster is why you need to gatekeep your communities
grafix normies will destroy any soul of your franchise if you let them in

>old janky game is good!
>new and fluid is bad!
You're a contrarian faggot.

Skyrim has better gameplay than Oblivion but Oblivions quests are way better. I would probably say that Elder Scrolls fell off around the time your worthless ass crawled out of your moms pussy to bitch about it.


its hilarious they had the balls to run such a shitty trailer just to let everyone know they weren't going to let the franchise die after so long. must have taken a whole weekend to render the speedtree and fog

when compared to the horror show that is Morrowind? It' night and day.

I loved oblivion when I was a kid and when I replayed it recently I still had fun with it. I tried morrowind for the first time this year and I've really been enjoying it (when it's not fucking crashing all the time).

Oblivion does still have some good shit even if the rpg shit was getting toned down

Old does not mean dead
New does not mean best

Morrowind is where the series turned from PCfag neckbeard dungeon crawlers into consolefag dudebro action/adventure games. None of these games are that great, play Wizardry or Might & Magic.

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>that quest where you go in the painting
>that quest where you have to do a murder mystery
>that quest where you have break up that prostitution thief's ring
>that quest where you have to help the crazy guy
>the quest where you go into the guys dreams
>that dark brotherhood one

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Arena was.

do you even know what fluidity means?

Oblivions leveling system has to be the worst in any game I've ever played. The voices have this retarded charm to them especially when contrasting with the ugly models. The overall story sucks dick but then again no TES game has a decent plot.

>muh leveling
doesn't even matter

You're dealing with a contrarian, but that rare extra pathetic kind who feels the need to take the opposite stance of contrarians. I can hardly tell if it's earnest passion for the shit their defending or just some pathological need to be a special fucking snowflake among special fucking snowflakes. Fuck this place, and fuck me for wasting my time here.

The Fighter's guild one where you get drugged with hallucinatory drugs that make you murder civilians.
The Dark Brotherhood one where you murder your whole sanctuary