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I wish I looked like that

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Does she even sit on you at some point?

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If she beats you she turns you into her toy to play with

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Nerf crusader wall start up

God, she's just ASKING for correction isn't she

can someone link that guy who was pissed to losing to her

>never lost to an enchantress because every single one I’ve fought has dropped their combos when they matter the most
The ones that are still playing her a month from now will probably be unstoppable.

who is this whore? need to fap.

>drop the low damage midscreen combo
>they punish with a 50% combo
Im probably gonna end up switching 2bh

>makes washed up Capkeks lose their goddamn mind

m'lady please just a little taste of the pussy

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Right in a dark dirty alley.

I feel you user. Personally hope they announce an F Mage first instead of F Slayer if DLC comes out and let it be B Mage.

BrianF was right. This character is disgusting and damaging to the image of the FGC. This does not reflect our core values.

I kneel ma'queen

I only wish i could have seen the "GGEZ" the guy sent to him as he was seething

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>man loses to low tier character who's easily the hardest character in the game
>goes into a 5 minute salty rage rant
Brian F is a fucking joke.

Enchantress is not low tier lmao

GO1 had her at the literal bottom and she has the least number of players at high rank right now. Which is Week 1 shit obviously, Zato sucked Week 1 too, but in this context she is low tier.

She's just a buffer in the mmo so no

Buff classes are at a premium, she was created literally because people were tired of needing Crusader for everything.
But we'll get a different FMage as DLC

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