How is GTAV single player SO FUCKING BAD?

How is GTAV single player SO FUCKING BAD?

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You will never be GTA VI.

I'm not sure I want GTA VI. I hate to say it, but RDR2 might be the apex of Rockstar.

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GTAV was just
>hey remember how GTA4 had three heroes with intersecting storylines and cool heist setpieces?
>what if that but the entire game

So you just end up with three half-baked heroes who on their own could have been Niko/John/Arthur-tier
>Franklin as your stock-standard up-and-coming gangbanger looking for more meaningful work and getting involved in increasingly escalating levels of criminal activity under the tutelage of experienced thieves
>Michael as a bored retiree, the GTA protag that won, yearning for the stimulation and satisfaction of his golden years
>Trevor, if not as wacky random violence man, as a rural white weirdo as opposed to our city-bred heroes getting involved in small town biker gang crime and cartel stuff before his unhinged antics get him involved with higher and higher tier situations
But none of whom have any really meaningful plotlines
>Franklin is sidelined to "who you play as when Michael/Trevor can't be on screen"
>Michael just gets pinballed between random bullshit until he "achieves his dreams"
>Trevor is just doing whatever wacky shit is necessary to move the plot along as a matter of convenience

RDR2 coming out as good as it was is a miracle in the wake of everything around GTAV, and hopefully GTA6 takes the right lessons from it.

> (OP)
>GTAV was just
>>hey remember how GTA4 had three heroes with intersecting storylines and cool heist setpieces?
>>what if that but the entire game
>So you just end up with three half-baked heroes who on their own could have been Niko/John/Arthur-tier
>>Franklin as your stock-standard up-and-coming gangbanger looking for more meaningful work and getting involved in increasingly escalating levels of criminal activity under the tutelage of experienced thieves
>>Michael as a bored retiree, the GTA protag that won, yearning for the stimulation and satisfaction of his golden years
>>Trevor, if not as wacky random violence man, as a rural white weirdo as opposed to our city-bred heroes getting involved in small town biker gang crime and cartel stuff before his unhinged antics get him involved with higher and higher tier situations
>But none of whom have any really meaningful plotlines
>>Franklin is sidelined to "who you play as when Michael/Trevor can't be on screen"
>>Michael just gets pinballed between random bullshit until he "achieves his dreams"
>>Trevor is just doing whatever wacky shit is necessary to move the plot along as a matter of convenience
>RDR2 coming out as good as it was is a miracle in the wake of everything around GTAV, and hopefully GTA6 takes the right lessons from it.

Yawn did not read

V was good and Any Forums is wrong

Why is the GTAV map so fucking big. Did they even utilize 10% of it in GTAO?

RDR2 is only 4 years old, it's not like they fired everyone talented within this time. Sure the the narrative might be wack but the gameplay will still probably be tight since they have some really good developers over there. Dan Houser may have left but it's not like him leaving is going to completely rain the soul from the entire company.

I thought it was tedious fucking garbage
>Drive here just to drive here
>Fly this faggot slow ass air vehicle for 20 minutes
>Do fun shooting things for 2 minutes then drive around like a retard for 30 minutes

It's for the best they die.

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at this point they utilized every square inch of it 20 times over. And they absolutely refuse to expand the map those lazy fucks. I stopped playing gtao like 3 years ago, because I couldn't stand being able to recognize the position of every little object from my memory.

>How is GTAV single player SO FUCKING RAD?

half of the map after leaving the city is a wasteland devoited of anything

To be fair though that is at least congruent with leaving Los Angeles

The absolute first second of reveal trailer footage for VI better be immediately mind-blowing and completely justify the 10+ year wait

I can't wait to see this board's opinion of GTA V do a 180 after GTA VI comes out

TboGT is better then IV/V

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They tried to make GTA V more arcadey, similar to San Andreas, but without all the cool stuff San Andreas had like buying apartments, jetpacks, varied map, casinos, gang wars mechanic, weight/gym mechanic, fast food places etc. So they ended up with a shitty linear story that allows for no roleplaying like San Andreas, which at the same time also limits sandbox possibilities. The only arcadey things about GTA V that we ended up with are the terrible assisted driving physics, ragdolls that were downgraded from GTA 4, and shitty feeling guns.
RDR2 despite being more "cinematic" and linear in their mission design, ended up allowing for more roleplaying and sandbox possibilities, even to a point where story characters acknowledge that you have been fucking around in a forest for months and not progressing the story. Also customization in RDR2 is greater than any GTA game, which increases sandbox and RP possibilities. You can customize guns, switch ammo types, adjust your beard/hair in hundreds of combinations, there's layered clothing with ability to roll up sleeves/wear it unbuttoned, and so much more. It's quite literally where the rockstar has peaked. My only nitpick when it comes to customization/RP possiblity, is that you can't take off the satchel/holsters, which also means that you can't wear jackets closed.

Yeah, just like how I long for the 2000s instead of now.

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Worth it just for the explosive riot shotgun.

What's so good about it that this keeps getting said anyway?

>They tried to make GTA V more arcadey, similar to San Andreas, but without all the cool stuff San Andreas had like buying apartments, jetpacks, varied map, casinos, gang wars mechanic, weight/gym mechanic, fast food places etc. So they ended up with a shitty linear story that allows for no roleplaying like San Andreas, which at the same time also limits sandbox possibilities. The only arcadey things about GTA V that we ended up with are the terrible assisted driving physics, ragdolls that were downgraded from GTA 4, and shitty feeling guns.
>RDR2 despite being more "cinematic" and linear in their mission design, ended up allowing for more roleplaying and sandbox possibilities, even to a point where story characters acknowledge that you have been fucking around in a forest for months and not progressing the story. Also customization in RDR2 is greater than any GTA game, which increases sandbox and RP possibilities. You can customize guns, switch ammo types, adjust your beard/hair in hundreds of combinations, there's layered clothing with ability to roll up sleeves/wear it unbuttoned, and so much more. It's quite literally where the rockstar has peaked. My only nitpick when it comes to customization/RP possiblity, is that you can't take off the satchel/holsters, which also means that you can't wear jackets closed.
Think of the storages.

it is spread thing between 3 characters and i believe the ending was rushed

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