The Killzone Series

Where did it go wrong?

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Killzone 3

Killing off Radec in the 2nd game

its a console FPS
it was never good

Not letting you play as Helghast.

Literally everyone was excited because of how fucking cool they look. No one wants to be some fucking ISA nigger.

Why did almost none of their big PS3 franchises ever make it past that console?
Killzone had 2 games on the PS3, 1 on the PS4 (launch title) and it's been on the backburner.
Resistance had 3 fucking games for the PS3, no PS4 titles.

I guess games take so much time and money to make now that they don’t bother investing in titles that aren’t certain to sell a gorillion units. All the recent Sony smash hits have played it very safe and seem designed to appeal to as wide an audience as possible.

killzone had 4 and shadowfall and they both fell flat so the series is pretty much done with

peaked with 2 anyway so who cares

The controls. Literally that it. Same problem with Star Fox Zero. Yes the control scheme is 'unique' but is it better?


KZ3 CODized the multiplayer and dropped the player count from 32 to 24. Also I miss the spawn grenades from KZ2, those led to some hectic situations and the spawn points from KZ3 were boring.

because they hit it big with Uncharted and especially TLOU they decided to scrap everything and make that the base for every single 1st party game.
What you saw during the ps3 era was just experimentation to see what 'sticks', and we got it: TLOU.

Tell me how the game is improved with it's ass control scheme. I'll wait retard. COD may have 'homogenized' shooters but it fucking works. Using square wheels on your cart doesn't make you cool.

OK retard

Sony was just trying to find their Halo killer. In the end what happened was 343/Microsoft killed Halo and Sony then found great success without needing to have a flagship FPS series.

Killzone 3 was too story/movie-focused.
Killzone Shadowfall is hot garbage.
Them shutting down Killzone 2 & 3 servers.
Horizon Zero Dawn's (((succes))).

I like Mercenary but by the time i got my hand on Vita barely no one play this shit anymore I have 1v1 online match with some japanese dude and it was fun

Killzone 2 was overglorified tech demo like gta iv

>t. peeceefat


>Uncharted 2 had the best multiplayer
>Killzone 2 had the best everything of the series
>Infamous 2 was the best of the series

Why can't Snoy ever make an outstanding 3rd game for their series?

1st game sells okay but gathers a following. 2nd game gets more exposure by the good press the first game got and since it's the first game in the series most people played and more refined, it is thought of as the favorite. 3rd game isn't a rerelease of the 2nd game so people pretend to hate it.

This is the way of Any Forums

Killzone 3 not being about wiping out the ISA.