When do you reload? Do you do it too frequently?

When do you reload? Do you do it too frequently?

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Every time I get breathing room. If there is not an enemy on my screen at the moment and i'm not at full ammo, I reload.

Games may as well have an auto reload the moment I stop firing

A friend of mine does every single chance he gets, and frequently gets killed because of it. We call dying while reloading "puling a Ricky" now.

>shoot once

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When the magazine is depleted

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Free moments. I reload my current favorite and any spare that might not be topped off for whatever reason. Only time I didn't do that was in Battlefield because you lose the entire magazine.

Whenever I can

I unlearned reloading constantly and it helped my gameplay a bunch. If you kill someone you have a small window of time to follow up on that. By sitting there and reloading before pushing or moving again you deny yourself that. If someone hears you kill someone and comes to respond but you're already ready you have the advantage. If the enemy is unaware and you push the advantage sooner that's even better. I only hesitate if I'm down to maybe 1/3 of a full mag, otherwise you have to keep moving and keep the pressure up.

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Games with ammo loss on reload really up the intensity of fighting. You absolutely can not reload after every two shots, but sometimes you will hang on to a less than half-full mag because you think you can still get at least a couple of kills with it. And then when you come up on a larger enemy patrol and throw away the rest of the mag just to be fully topped up before the shooting starts, shit feels real because you're committed to it.

generally more careful when I do it in multiplayer games, in singleplayer games unless it's something like crazy difficulty fast paced I usually reload all the time.

Agreed. They got it right in 2002 with Battlefield 1942 and regressed since then.

this thread is pointless. the rule is that you reload at every opportunity unless doing so would waste the bullets already in the magazine

I'm too much of an autist, I hate reloading after shooting a single bullet and I always wait until I'm empty or barely have any bullets left even if it'll bite me in the ass. And I hate games that automatically reload your weapons when you holster them, looking at you RDR2 and your "muh immersion mechanics" yet you let a detail as simple as this one pass by.

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I never fully empty my gun, always 1 bullet in the chamber because you never know when a game makes the reload faster when you have a bullet in the chamber

>When do you reload?
I don't.

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>posts a weapon which auto-reloads after every shot
boomer brain moment

>reloads every time its fired.

I love hearing that clicky noise when im out of ammo so I always empty the mag

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>shoot all bullets you have in the chamber/magazine
>game punishes you by making the animation slower
Hate this shit but yeah I don't like wasting ammo. Though nowadays Bf4 is the only FPS I olay

its going to be inherently slower because you have another action to perform rather than
>drop mag
>insert new mag.
sometimes it's worth it to drop 1-4 rounds if it means you got a mag with 30 ready to fight more.

>accidently shoot a bullet with a Lmg
>reload an entire 300 round mag

>constantly shovelling more clipazines into my uzi
>literally a big pile of them at my feet