Why is the Switch still selling so much? Why are people still falling for it?

Why is the Switch still selling so much? Why are people still falling for it?

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It has games.

So, when will it surpass the PS4 in total sales? I say September/October.

Same thread every day.

>Why are people still falling for it?
What do you mean? It has games that people want. Therefore, it sells well.

Nornalnigger machine with no games. PS4 was the same last gen

It feels like a video game. You can just plug it in and have a simple fun time while it also has a lot of the complex youth-stealing games autists like us enjoy. Why would you not want one?

Yep. Splatoon 3 and the new OLED edition will take it over the edge.

>falling for it
Falling for what? It's excellent library of games and functional portability?


Still curbstomping everything through the Earth's crust.

I love watching the unhinged tweens on this board foam at the mouth - utterly fucking BAFFLED by Nintendo's ongoing celebrated critical acclaim, ridiculous commercial success and enduring cultural legacy. Its just amazing being a Nintendo fan here.

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>no games

Attached: snoy seething.png (868x1920, 994.72K)

Braindead cultists replacing their drifted joycons is counted as a brand new switch sale

33% down in Japan

In stock, low price, strong IPs, a good enough library of games, portability and some degree of social gaming that has largely gone by the wayside.
>but the specs are shit
Nobody cares since phones won the console wars. If the game runs and looks at least as good as a 7th gen game, it's enough for the normie consumer.

Based. Sony will conquer Japan yet again soon enough.

Yeah, ps5 is up nearly 200% for comparison, shitch has hit the plateu

Steam Deck is killing the shitch dead, has no reason to exist anymore
Nintendo is FUCKED lmao

oink oink eric

>Why is the Switch still selling so much?
It's not. The article specifies the uk because overall sales are down.

Have fun with your FOMO disability

>Steam Deck is killing the shitch dead
In your head?

But can it play steam games?


It's still selling in Japan and NA...

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Kids replacing their consoles because they are made so poorly and generally casual gamers that dont play games.

Pretty easy, Nintendo has went full casual with the phone audience to match. Its why Switch games play like shit.

Indie games? Yeah it has a lot of those.
NPD: Nintendo Switch led all hardware platforms in both units and dollars in May 2022
Media Create:
>NSW - 2,282k
>PS5 - 504k

But can it emulate the switch at 60 fps in HD?

I love using the Shitch because i know it triggers fanboys like you. Not even the guys you quoted lmao.

Does it really matter? Is your favorite game developer making an exclusive game on Switch in favor of your favorite hardware? Answer is no

>source: the voices in my head.

I will not be buying a switch and I'll continue to laugh at people who bought it, especially if they're poor

No thankfully every third party ditched the Switch and Nintendo first party has been absolute dogshit for years now.

>I will not be buying a switch
Your loss.

>Not the first post from this IP.

Ok Eric

Why do you do it Eric?
Are you just lonely?