Hope you weren't planning on calling someone an N word in that online game you're playing, user

Hope you weren't planning on calling someone an N word in that online game you're playing, user.

Attached: 0.jpg (1080x1628, 383.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

static1.squarespace.com/static/5b6df958f8370af3217d4178/t/6011e68dec2c7013d3caf3cb/1611785871154/NYU False Accusation report_FINAL.pdf

do you people really have nothing better to do than to repost clickbait headlines you see on twitter here?

>this and the invoice law that lets anyone look up the real-life information of any Japanese freelancer using their publicly available and searchable tax ID

This is what a "conservative" government gives you.

>agrees with said rules
wow much like real life laws

didn't some assholes shit on that one wrestler girl so hard she literally ack'd herself? japan probably needs that law

quick, third world bros, how do we spin this thread to be against americans?

they do it to everyone indiscriminately. Whereas leftoids only allow their side to harass everyone and give death/bomb threats.

You don't have to do anything, Americans make every thread about them and their problems because all they know how to do is bitch and whine.

uhhhhhhh niggers?


One time when I was a kid I wrote I posted on a forum mocking the owner of the website and he called my house

Based. We should really all be nicer to one another.

>Based. We should really all be nicer to one another.

Attached: image_2022-07-07_234237422.png (680x763, 226.51K)

More left-leaning people are banned from social media than right-leaning people.
static1.squarespace.com/static/5b6df958f8370af3217d4178/t/6011e68dec2c7013d3caf3cb/1611785871154/NYU False Accusation report_FINAL.pdf

Arigatou for your understanding, Ken-sama.

Attached: 1642476273565.png (680x590, 192.58K)

Which N word? Nanking?

>conservatives, progressives...
The only difference I care about is whether you're libertarian or authoritarian at this point. Authoritarians are on each political side.

Niceness, like respect, is earned, not given. If someone's being an asshat to you its because you deserve it. Forced niceness is meaningless, it is fake.


There is no difference in IQ between a Libertarian and Anarchist.

Thankfully I have a relatively high IQ. Also, not an argument.


Attached: facebook.jpg (700x483, 37.97K)


>everyone rude to each other by default because niceness is earned
>nobody capable of earning niceness
The actual full quote that the "respect is earned not given" meme comes from is: "“Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given.”
So even the parallel your drawing from agrees that you must be nice first for a society or subculture to function. That's the point.

>leftoids are unhinged
Imagine my shock.

well it's true, most people hate the whities. even themselves, that's why they keep defending minorities.

Your notion that leftoids control the media and show hypocrisy in allowing other leftoids to sling abuse and death threats is not supported by statistics.

This was clearly the work of the US government! They're using Japan as a testing ground so they can introduce it to Europe or something!