Genuinely great games that Any Forums shits on

post em

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did they fix cp2077 yet?

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Why do people shit on fallout 3? I mean it's shit don't get me wrong, but usually I'm the one with standout bad opinions

Fallout 3 isnt really a bad game, it just got completely outclassed in every way by new vegas which came out right after fallout 3, so there is really no reason to ever play fallout 3. Cp2077 is pretty garbage though, the city itself is cool but they fucked up literally everything else.

Borderlands 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
Metro ( all the saga )
Fucking Elden Ring

And those are just the ones that come to my mind.

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Literally the best in the series
>best gameplay
>banger ass music
>best maps
>best weapon variety
>best build variety
And fuck storyfags. Who gives a fuck about the story? If you're playing Borderlands for the story please kill yourself

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This is my favorite 3 fag cope lmao

Because it gets compared to new vegas, which is a masterpiece by comparison.

You should already know that Any Forums shits on every game that is new, cause these bitches hate everything.
Pitty the guy who take the unending trashtalk reviews in Any Forums seriously.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 has some of the best gameplay design in the franchise but Any Forums hates it because old Claire looks like Tobey Maguire. Also some of the complainers are Mercenaries- and RE6 shitters who don't like it because it's not enough of a balls to the wall shooter like a survival horror game should be according to them. Not enough superhero moves. No bing bing wahoo mario coins dropped by enemies. No QTEs. 0/10
...also, it has split screen co-op on PC, which only reminds players that they have no IRL friends.

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3 still better

They did a great job with rdr2's world. The problem is that the characters are all fucking annoying, the story sucks, and the missions suck

Black Isle/Obsidian just understands the world of Fallout a lot more than Bethesda does and it really shows from the writing to the gameplay.

Cyberpunk is good the first playthrough. But playing it a second time lets you realize how shallow and unfulfilled the mechanics and story is. So much cut content.

Are you sure?

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Is that fallout? Coulda fooled me.

>Are you sure? (pic unrelated)

Vanilla F3 has a lot of problems, modded it becomes a very enjoyable experience.
Replaying it recently, I was going to say that the exploration was top notch and too damn good when most of the dungeon I found came from "A World Of Pain".
Besides, TTW + Benny Humbles you and steal your stuff and you'll have the basis for an excellent playthrough. Now just add "Just Assorted Mods" for QoL improvement like Fallout 4 looting window, sprinting and enabling melee NPCs sprinting and you'll have a better gameplay.

Fallout 3, alone is shit. Its only salvaged with mods.

>really shows from the gameplay

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>shit games that low IQ third worlders impotently try to gaslight Any Forums into liking

Fixed that for you, OP

Fallout NV was as broken as Cyberpunk at launch. I don't care who's fault it was but the state it launched in was unacceptable.

2 years versus 8+ years. Even if they used the same engine, howard was whipping those reigns hard to get it out.

>to the gameplay