Play game

>play game
>load into a server
>get kicked automatically
This should be illegal

Attached: 5CB08E78-90E3-4465-B2D7-430B4391DA37.jpg (640x636, 60.27K)

Attached: file.png (473x357, 155.48K)

>join game
>"votekick : user ?"
>"sry my friend joining :/"
I understand but fuck you

Why is あかさん there

>Player I dont know joins my private server without my permission
>Only says gibberish and screams and cries into the mic demanding attention
>People get mad when i kick him

>noo! I have to kill my own child because it's feeding off me!
>you have to pay for my housing, healthcare and universal basic income chud

Attached: real_socialism.gif (800x667, 1.23M)

>teamkill them before it goes through
hate when faggots do that shit in public lobbies

I wish I was aborted

>Player I dont know
so you got cuckolded?

gachi haters are always lurking in the shadows

>universal basic income
You realize this is inevitable and happening very soon, yeah? Automation is making new leaps thanks to how insane AI is getting.

Servers were so cliquey. It's the main reason I don't miss them.

>play game
>load into a server
>other people load into the server
>all votekick me immediately

Attached: 1548099453002.png (771x723, 679.71K)

>game has ugly enemies

Attached: abortionwhores.png (1194x1186, 2.12M)

>You realize this is inevitable and happening very soon, yeah?

Attached: file.png (600x582, 342.6K)

I'm pretty much convinced that the system is going to wait until the very last minute before it gets scared enough to do it. There's pretty much no where rich fucks will keep dragging their feet while a new trillionaire gets made every year. If things got that bad you would actually see Marx be 100% vindicated about the revolution as every Any Forumstard joins hands with wealthy Jews to ban guns for people who make less than six figures.

They were never cliquey during UT and Q3A's heyday. I could boot up any old server I wanted and play a game. Maybe you were playing shit games?

That black guy looks really lost

>game has confused enemies

>You realize this is inevitable
>and happening very soon
lol no

>Ban guns
I'll take what are "3D printers" for 500, Alex

man just wanted to get something to eat and ends up walking into some wacko protest

>see Marx be 100% vindicated
Except for the fact that it was creeping socialism that led to all of the problems in the economy. Late stage capitalism isn't a thing because capitalism has been dead for 100 years. Cope, seethe, and dilate commie tranny.

>You realize this is inevitable
On a long enough timeline? Maybe.

>happening very soon
nope, this is like singularity fags, just around the corner, bro

kill babies
imagine being born both a manlet and bald
better to put it out of its misery

The average person is too retarded and lazy to even use a 3D printer

shame that their parents didn't aborted them
they wouldn't have to have unprotected sex with strangers now

Imagine believing this. The only AI you will see is for ads and data collection anything isn't profitable

if babies don't want to die then maybe they shouldn't constantly lose to me in hand to hand combat

I have no clue why people are so against moving towards a future where no one -has- to work. Fuck, I feel like at least 30% of jobs are just there to solve man made problems. Literally working for the sake of working, because you have to work to live. It's fucking weird

A future where you could take a chance on working your passion job instead of some shit corporate office gig and actually producing something of worth (even if it's just self worth) because you know that at bare minimum you're guaranteed a roof over your head and enough food to live on would make not just people happier but society better as a whole


They'll still try to ban guns and all right wingers who are wealthy or wealthy simps will be 100% for it in order to counteract crimewaves. I personally would love to see people make guns themselves and commit general terrorism.

>it's Not Real Capitalism
Bill Gates, George Soros and Elon Musk are better Capitalists than you. You've been brainwashed by right wing Jews funded by oil barons. Commit seppuku.