It's over

it's over

Attached: png-transparent-brand-logo-steam-gump-s.png (920x920, 47.38K)

nooo my videogames

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Why did Unkie Gaben do this...

Did something happen? Steam seems fine on my end.

Steam sale is over

it's over

My steam account got hacked today. Luckily I had my credit card info. Somehow the nigger got into my email too.

fix the motherfuckin video game

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Don't call people the n word.

>reddit,, steam and a handfull of other sites are down

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I'm black it's okay

Epic is online

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Because nobody uses it lmao

this, it's extremely rude

Imagine buying all that shit when its not even yours, lmao, now you can't play them. Should have pirated.

i kneel

youd be disrespectin ma heritage honkey?

I own every game I've bought on steam.



20 mins still down, uh oh..gabe what is happeing!!

>it's back
I stand.