New Yuji Naka butthurt just dropped

It's up.

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I'm honestly impressed this dude still has such a big ego and mouth after Balan wonderland. Any normal person would sudoku'd from the sheer embarrassment of being known for such a disaster but he just keeps trucking on.

I feel like there's some truth behind this autistic outburst. SoA programmers used C exclusively and Naka being a Japanese autist used assembly.

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Imagine thinking Naka could fix Balan.

you can understand his frustration as a programmer. you code something in assembly and then some faggots just took your hard work without telling you?

This guy is sucking down some hardcore copium, what a clown.

I just respect assemblerchads.


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Is this in relation to what happened with Sonic X-Treme?

>my engine was in full assembly and the fags using c could never understand it
wow flaming faggot much?


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based and redpilled
op btfo

He's absolutely right in this one specific case. Balan Wonderland was still a massive steaming pile of shit.

just like all of his past failures, it's somehow literally everyone's fault but his

He was the director. It was his fault

when xtreme was in dead end crunch mode they took his nights engine without notifying him. when he found out they expected him to be cool with it.

Okay cool, you still got that Dreamcast game cancelled

>He was the director
big if true

QRD please

Glad to see this arrogant fuck is getting what he deserves for being an asshole to his co-workers

Naka is proof that good code-monkeys aren't good game designers. Letting him make decisions was a mistake.

For years people have said Sega of America took the Nights Into Dreams engine without his permission and he lost his shit and demanded they not use it. Now he's saying that's all bullshit because his engine was in assembly and SoA only knew C.

Im loving this old unemployed drunk loser era of naka

oh my god this guy is a genius!!

>Balan is shit
>Naka says he got kicked off the team and it was rushed out
>game had severe fundamental issues that were his fault
>team says he was a pain in the ass to work with
>erases coworker from Nights dev team photo
>butthurt rant about them booting him and stealing his stuff
>everyone is sick of his shit, people bring up him being a shithead dev in the past and doing the exact same

They "took" it? Did he develop the engine in private on his own time or something? Because if he developed it while working then the studio owns it, he can bitch and moan but he has no say on what a studio can do with property it owns.

You have to understand his frustration at the time. The branch had TWO fucking seperate Xtreme games at that point in development and Naka saw they both look like shit. If they took his engine, he was 100% certain they would produce something like that but worse since there's no documentation.

No idea what any of that means but thanks. Didn't he work for SEGA too? Why is it a problem?

Has he commented on the Moore meeting yet? That's really the juicy bit


The story is that SoA took it for use with Sonic Xtreme. They acquired it without Naka's knowledge because it was indeed Sega property.

Bragging about writing a game engine in assembly is probably the most autistic thing you can do

Boohoo for him then, what a fucking baby.

Nights is one of the best looking games on Saturn as a result.