After you turn 30, it becomes too hard to play video games

After you turn 30, it becomes too hard to play video games.
It's a fact.

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not if you're a neet.

what a loser. he is currently crying and bitching on his stream

Not if you keep healthy.

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Only if you're retarded and decide to have children.

really? because ive found it easier now.
>be wagecuck and going to school all through my 20s
>hardly any time to play games
>early 30s
>now on salary
>no more school to worry about
>tons of free time and money to spend
never felt more free

Yes but the hard part is because you never fell like playing anything and hate everything.


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>I don't care if everyone calls me out on something. I'm not gonna change

The only thing that's hard about playing games after 30 is when the job constantly interrupts with a phone call about how to fix a printer, your girlfriend needs you to move furniture, and that you feel like a groomer when trying to play public lobbies filled with literal kids.

What is crying about? I don't bother with twitch. It pure cancer and made for the soi zoomer crowd.

yeah i made millions last year with crypto and now i have all the time and money in the world. im neeting in my new house and theres literally no games to play. i just spend all my day reading now and im the least enthusiastic about games ever since i started at 11.

about the fact he is losing viewers.

I can't stand this guy's face. He's like the physical incarnation of what playing MMOs does to the human soul.

He's a literal balding mouthbreather who blinks with one eye at a time who would probably get a rash if he stepped outside to face the sun

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standard protocol on his alt stream

on his main stream he's always the happy go lucky "time to go big dick poggers !" guy, presumably all an act because he's always bitching and whining about something when he's on his alt

The dude needs to fix his face. He looks ugly as fuck. Luckily he has that beard to hide it.

And how does playing video games cause baldness?

hi asmon

Nah I was doing just fine as a middle-aged man before I got sick. Now having half of one hand that's constantly numb and cramps up at the drop of hat, and with both hands subject to occasional tremors, that makes it difficult to play video games. However I still managed to beat Elden Ring.

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Lack of sunlight, bad sleeping habits and bad diet

>multimillionaire has to take a vacation again because he gets bullied for being bad at a video game

it's cuphead this time fyi. guy is a fucking joke.

And can you turn that around

Plus the reacting for 5+ hours despite saying he was playing a game that day

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Is it the DLC?
>DSP beat the entirety of the DLC in 2.5 hours
If that pierrot can do it so can Asmon.

I'm all of those things and I'm not balding at all in my 30s. It's all (or at least mostly) genetics.

If that's the question that popped into your head when you read my post then you are actually a retard

NEET life eh I just started I am not a robot it's a Korean comedy not Jew Flix if you're ok with subs it's pretty good.

You just need to keep it up. games will not change between now and 20 years compared to how much they changed from now and 20 years go. ask anyone who played games 20 years ago to play stuff now and the controller baffles them because of "to many buttons and the sticks are awkward." Games will not evolve because the controller can't evolve any more.

>He's like the physical incarnation of what playing MMOs does to the human soul
>He's a literal balding
You're the retard for not being able to comprehend your own post.

controllers haven't changed at all in 20 years, make it 30

>Any Forums spends 8 hours a day playing video-games.
>This balding loser has a mental breakdown when he can't beat a game after 1 try.
>DSP beat the game he's crying about in 2 hours.

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lol, forgot how old he was.

It's not games, it's anything that's an utter waste of time that becomes hard to justify once you hit 30. You should have true life goals to reach at that point (you do, right?) so movies or books or anything that doesn't further those goals are becoming harder to justify
But you can still fit some gaming when you need to take a break.

>does 6 hours drama content every stream
>but is upset people making everything drama
>has new nervous breakdown every week
>is ok with microtransactions now
what the fuck happened, he used to be based

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he may or may not be extremely depressed behind the scenes

i mean its hard to say but it's not normal to react the way he does to even the slightest bit of failure i feel

yeah all of your egggs run out dont they

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can't wait to read about his suicide

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try exercising burger

He became a business owner

Is this even true? Aren’t you in your physical prime in your early 30’s. Obviously comparing athletes to gamers is retarded but their reaction time remains relatively intact until like 35.

It's hard because it all seems like a waste of time, and if you've got nothing but video games you end up just tired of it. Imagine being a 30+ year old and stream videogames for a living, like I can't imagine them going to sleep and think "yup, these are the best years of my life".

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reminder that this based chad name searches himself here to find threads shitting on him and uses a bot to autodelete any clips of his stream that are posted to lsf and goes on months long "vacations" because he has mental breakdowns but certainly not over how people perceive him because that's for non-based pussies

why is this guy rapidly deteriorating? i don't even care about twitch outside of jacking it to the thots but this guy was /ourguy/ like two months ago and now he's some weird cuck

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he wants something out of life that video games aren't giving him anymore
some people just aren't cut out to be manchildren

Yeah, he's not normal. He's a braindead retard that refuses medication (which ultimately his Mother also did, leading to her untimely demise.) He drinks corn syrup until his teeth rot and drop from his mouth, while he sleeps with cockroaches & blood covered walls (the blood comes from his teeth falling out.) The American dream.
>Complains about people talking about him because they're not millionares.
>Spends all his time crying about Blizzard, a billion dollar company.
The only content I'm excited for is the eventual race between him losing his teeth or hair first.

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That sweet Depp v Heard React money

then how come daigo is still one of the best sf players

He literally was the enabler of his mother's self immolation by buying her cigarettes and lighters despite the fact that doctors warned him repeatedly that she shouldn't smoke or be near anything burning while on an o2 tank.