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when will the shareholders and money-men get tired of this shit and stop hiring these parasites?

They just absorbed Proletariat, which has 100 devs. It's never going to end.

lol, what do they even want? Sounds like they want company paid trips to kill their unborn children. Who knows anymore.

>bobby still in charge and no one wants to talk about it
lets fucking go! Big corps all the fucking way!

When humans promote moderate achievable healthy lifestyles

>lol, what do they even want?

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Oh no! Not the diversity hiring that's ruining our vidya games! Anyone but them!

Never, they're HQ is in commielands. They can sleep in the bed they made.


what is walking out of blizzard supposed to do to reverse a supreme court decision?

>LGBTQ+ employees
Good, nothing of value was lost. They can fuck off and die for all I care.

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Imagine working with these people.

Can someone translate this into English?

Literally anuddah Shoa. My heart goes out to those suffering

Microshit's gonna have a hell of a time wrangling these fags into productive employees

At this point they should just fucking dissolve Blizzard. What a goddamn shitshow. Its continued existence is only a source of pain for anyone who cares.

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>admits they only cared about it to have free time and not because of whatever it's about

so they're just looking for an excuse to take time off? bet they want time off for George Floyd Day too

Okay fire them?

You'd be surprised of the horrors modern man has wrought


Blizzard is breaking their backs working on the game, don't diminish their work

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That's the only reason to give a fuck about Juneteenth. Don't act like you give a shit otherwise.

>next year Blizzard makes Juneteenth a holiday and removes the floating holiday
bravo, strikers. truly a win for the common man.

MS can just fire them all. It's not as if they care about their rep, most of their money comes from other big companies running their stuff and they have lawyers specifically for these situations.

Large dev teams was a mistake. Videogames were much better when a team consisted of 10 - 20 people who actually did their jobs instead of hundreds of lazy, redundant cunts. Graphicswhores killed the industry.

>I wonder why these companies that get woke go broke.

How many walkouts before ActiBlizz starts realizing nothing will ever make them stop asking for asinine shit and they start with the layoffs like Netflix did? Or is it already too late?

>suits drove off all of the good employees by screwing them over and over
>quality employees were fired when they asked for a raise because "lol, we can hire a fanboy that would work for free"
>they drove the company to ruin
I have no sympathy to suits. I hope the greedy jew suffers the same fate as Epstein

Hahaha holy shit is this real
How did americans end up raising a generation this fucking entitled? People would laugh at you with their asses if you proposed that in my shithole third world country

>start with the layoffs like Netflix did

Doubt it. Microsoft has plenty of shit in place to appease the braindamaged, but don't pretend they don't have a bulletproof way to fire bad employees. They're practically an arm of the US gov't.

>redundant PR and HR people walk out


they wanted money, higher ups said nah, now they throw a fit

california people kek

god I hate blizzard and all the filth that works there

Fire everyone, take their ips and profit. Its that easy

Netflix fired a bunch of people and cancelled a couple of woke projects when their stock tumbled worse than crypto.

Netflix recently started firing anybody who brings up wokeshit because it hurts profits.

>hire lgbbq's and women
>surprised they don't wanna work and just want free gibme's

Social media

Any games where the bad guy meets his demise by the hands of his own minions?

>blizzard hires wokists to virtue signal
>"""credible"""allegations of serial assault happen
>employees rage
>blizzard attempts to put in safeguards to ensure """rape""" doesn't happen again
>employees rage more
They asked for this. They chose this. And they're going to keep doubling down. Good riddance.

The government changed the abortion laws, somehow this is Activision's fault so the employees are walking out.

Why don't they just fire everybody and replace them with pajeets?

why don't they just tell them "okay, don't come back." fucking ridiculous you can stop working and walk off and not get fired.

>commies rage and walk out
>suits cave and just eat the loss to get the work flowing again
>3 months past
>rinse and repeat
This is why you should never give them an inch. They're employees, fire them and replace them, it's not like anyone at Bliz is skilled so it's a loss of code monkeys.

yea, the people working on the game are the parasites, and definitely not the shareholders who do nothing yet profit off of the work done

WoW's engine is an ancient dinosaur that explodes if you touch it. They already have massive problems with the current team breaking shit constantly but a brand new workforce would know even less.

You literally cant win with these people

Aren't they doing this every week now? Do they ever work between shitposting on twitter and walking out?

The fuck is Juneteenth?

Because Twitter and the press would screech and call them fascist Republicans. The suits are only now starting to realize that nobody gives a fuck what Twitter or journalists think.

Because Blizzard is already irredeemable.

um actually bobby is based now because he makes some side i dont like mad

They are hard at work, see

and these people wonder why they have to do so much crunch time when the release date gets near

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>employees are so fucking awful that I end up sympathizing more with the billionaire CEOs
What a time to be alive.

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>Any Forums is so contrarian that it sides with Bobby
Fuck's sake.

>Hire woke employees to virtue signal
>They constantly go on strike because your not woke enough
Lol. Just like Netflix culled a bunch of their woke soon too other corporations will come to realise the grave mistake they've taken

Im not really sure whats controversial about that if its a real condition.

Working as intended

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Nah just gwt rid of the board of directors. If you think it isn't anything else but that you're delusional and probably huff yid dick for a living

Hate petty women and trannies that want to shove their politics into games. Simple 'as.

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This was always a BobbyBoard.

Fuck Bobby and fuck Blizzard and fuck YOU

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How many devs are there left at Blizzard that worked on Dialbo 3 or earlier games? I know damn well that there's nobody still left. What's even the point of giving a shit about ActiBlizz? It may as well be an entirely different company from the one it was 20 years ago.

With all of the scandals and now publicly-aired bullshit surrounding Blizzard, hiring "talent" isn't as easy for them as it used to be. They can't coast as much on their reputation as they used to and now have less people willing to work for Blizzard at below industry-average wages. Subsequently, employee retention becomes increasingly important so workers feel like they have leverage to get management to capitulate to their demands. I don't have a reason to give a single fuck about ABK executives so as far as I'm concerned, go ahead, keep running the company into the ground. Microsoft cares more about the Activision and King parts of the company, so I expect that they'll play nice with Blizzard for a couple years after the acquisition is completed and then eventually clean house and consolidate when Blizzard continues to underperform.


End of slavery

They keep hiring these people, so forgive me if I dont actually care.

I'm not gonna read all that

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>he thinks there are sides
We have plenty of hate for everyone, faggot.

The people that worked on WoW pre-Legion are pretty much all gone. It's all diversity hires since BFA.

On the contrary, I hope they follow through with their threats and burn everything down. I still think they're mentally ill though.

>da juuus
glad I didn't bother.

This has to be fake, even in countries with strong unions this kind of shit wouldn't fly and your walkout would be deemed illegal, giving your employer a good excuse to fire every single one of you. If this is real, Silicon Valley trannies are really pushing their luck with this kind of shit.

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It's commiefornia, "completely retarded" is the highest standard there.

Oh no the data entry, social media, and HR depts!!!!!

all I can find is that they fired 300 people due to losing subs, but they pointed the finger at things like Hulu, Amazon, Disney etc all offering subscription services
I can't find any indication that it was due to wokeness, or which woke shows were cancelled
seems like they're just trying to save some money by firing the people that write tweets

>ignores facts because it doesn't fit his narrative
literal woketard

No, it's about some black people in Bumfuck, Texas who believed that they were still enslaved even years after Lincoln abolished slavery, and someone had to tell them directly because they didn't notice

arent they in california, the state is probably going to expand abortion rights.

>words words words
I'm surprised a fucking faggot phoneposter didn't post this

>You guys can all give up, but I'm not.
>Because in 1864, Lincoln got us all a day off wourk.
>With just one penstroke he freed them so we could have some me time before the weekend.
>And yes, millions were slaughtered and throats were cut
>But if we don't get that day off of work, then... for what?

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>white people complaining about not having the holiday off.


If it's white people being fired and replaced by brown people they're not allowed to complain. I was told that people that don't like to be replaced by foreigners are racists. They should love losing their jobs because a more opressed brown person is being given it.

When Republicans and DeSantis take over America.

How do these fuckers still even have a job? All they do is protest every day when their feefees get in a twist over something

Morhaime was forced into retirement because he had the nerve to tell kottick that he's a dumb nigger for trying to make the overwatch league when it isn't good enough to be considered an e-sport to which the board told him that if he doesn't agree with them about it then he can fuck off.
All the gatcha shit and mobile games released recently are because of the board so you're completely retarded if you think it isn't a management problem

Black History Month, but it's only for a day, except it's shilled the whole month anyways


Instead of holiday the company should make it community work day. So they can either choose to do normal work or themed community work. Should work well on those hypocrites

desu senpai desu sempai onions onions onions

Looks like they want literally any excuse to not work