Are there no good shooters? Even this is kinda boring.

Attached: Doom.jpg (260x370, 64.62K)

>doom eternal
>ion fury

learn to code and make your own games

Project Warlock
Turbo Overkill
Ion Fury

>take series known for its level design
>make each level a hallway with arena spawn rooms
>remove resource management by giving player a press E to open loot pinata abilitiy
>add leveling up for some reason

What exactly is a good shooter in your eyes if Doom doesn't cut it?

Attached: Marathon FPS.webm (682x384, 2.85M)

Play Prodeus and Amid Evil

Check out the new Trepang2 demo, it's really fucking fun

the constant corridors that give you no movement freedom, glory kills, enemies that do nothing, chasing enemies in circes make it boring
Borderlands 2 had OK shooting, too bad everything else was shit.

>picks up ammo and gear automatically
>doesn't break the gameplay flow

>have to rebind use key to m1 as you have to pick everything up manually

wolfenstein new order was great but holy hell that feature was missing

doom mods are the only thing I have been playing

Try arcane dimension (Q2) or alien armageddon (eduke32) if you haven't already.

There are, but do not expect good games from Bethesda of all things.

Are you just trolling, or have we gotten to the point where Halo-fags are old enough to spread their shitty opinions online?
D2016 and Eternal are pathetic zoom zoom console shit at their worst. Literally killed DOOM by turning them into cramped, linear, "cinematic" first-person melee-finisher fests.

No, there has not been a good Doom-clone FPS in ages. Go play Serious Sam 3: Fusion though, it's a far superior "Doom 4" than anything Zenimax has shat out in the recent years.
For online goodness with a hint of Arena-shooter DNA, try Deep Rock Galactic.

Are there any good looter shooters? Is Borderlands 3 worth at least for the shooting? I liked BL1 but hated BL2.

>indie shit

Attached: kW1H8rBx_400x400.jpg (326x326, 17.18K)

metadoom is epic

Your dopamine receptors are fried. Take a break from gaming, get a new hobby.

It seems like the Ultrakill devs being groomed by the discord trannies, so hold off on calling it good before its released

>Are there any good looter shooters?
fallout 76 has been fun for me for around 400 hours

>Literally like Doom except with less movement options and pixel graphics

Titanfall 2

Ion fury is okay, good level design, but mediocre pacing, weapons and enemies.
Zoomternal and ultrakill are two side of the same zoomer shooter coin.