C or K?

C or K?

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cork :DDDDD
full C route with the cuck-her-father ending is simply too kino

Trad C ending is literally the best ending possible

C because K is a cunt

Catherine or Katherine?
I choose Qatherine because im gay



>commitment is scary
Why are people like this?

K because she genuinely cares about vincent and wants to pull him out of his pitiful rut and she's hot

Commitment is great as long as it's not to a sick, manipulative cunt.
Commitment is literally as good as your partner is, it's all about what you're committing to.

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No, that'd be some half-retarded late Gen-Xer/early Millennial parent who just had to give their kid the oh-so-quirkiest, most youneek name they could think of.

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stop posting this

Humans are opportunistic creatures that evolved to form relatively short term pair bonds of a few years (~7-9 years statistically)

We are of course more than just chemicals and instincts whatever Donald says, our ability to rise above instincts is what makes us human. But it's still understood that longterm commitment is hard, it requires maintenance. Love is a project, not a state - you'll fall in and out of love multiple times if you're married to someone for years.

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>inb4 t. spammer

Quit posting blacked.
It's really simple, nigger.

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In simplest terms, it works when the man hyped his woman up to be "best girl", and the woman is under the impression that her man is the best she can get. If one of these is absent, shenanigans ensue.

>it works when the man hyped his woman up to be "best girl", and the woman is under the impression that her man is the best she can get
basically. That's a line of thought I was thinking but didn't put down into words. A man terrified of commitment thinks he can do better. Mind you in a mans case, 'better' is a string of partners because of the impetus on him to spread his seed.

In some ways K and some ways C. I think when you have no real world expierence it’s hard to really know ultimately what you want from a relationship. I feel like an NPC that could slip into either life style since they both have their pros/cons.
I guess it’s pointless to think too hard about it since I will die alone anyway.

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>'better' is a string of partners because of the impetus on him to spread his seed
Sure. Also younger.

Humans evolved to take care of their children, something that would not be possible if all relationships ended at their 6th birthday
Different societies see different rates of polyamory and cheating. There isn't a clear force that makes people quit their relationships
>our ability to rise above instincts is what makes us human
We have instincts telling us both to stay and go. We have the ability to choose which path to follow, but our biology set both of those options up already

>Humans evolved to take care of their children, something that would not be possible if all relationships ended at their 6th birthday
7 year itch is a real thing, explicitly because around that time; what is a kid doing?
interacting with objects w/hands
no longer shitting itself

In strictly animalistic terms a child of 6 or 7 is 'self sufficient' and can be left to the mother, there is no longer a need for dual parentage. Of course OBVIOUSLY we have society and shit like that so a father IS important (sorry people who this pisses off but this is studied extensively), and higher levels of social learning than troop tribalism. But biology doesn't account for that. As far as biology is concerned, we are apes squatting in the bush.

Our more base instincts handle basic functions, after that it is social like you said, because the social mind is distinct from the selfish ape mind.