Explicitly references dante, keats, shakespeare, lotr, and others

>explicitly references dante, keats, shakespeare, lotr, and others
>ost full of classical compositions, main theme has fucking gregorian chants
>plays the 'your enemy is just like you' angle in the second goddamn game
how did halo of all things become the dudebro franchise of choice? it has all the right elements to be a pseud/hipster magnet

Attached: 389763-Master_Chief-Halo.jpg (1200x750, 84.64K)

name 1 literary reference to dante, keats, shakespeare in halo

Space guns go pew pew

you told me there wouldn't be any cameras

>how did halo of all things become the dudebro franchise of choice?
It launched the xbox, there was a reason it was overtaken by gears and cod in the 360 era.

the entirety of odst, you get guided by an ai called virgil, you find him in a frozen research station (last circle of hell) and the audio logs all have to do with a specific sin
cortana moking gravemind's speech patterns
halo 3 alas, poor yorick achievement, once more unto the breach level chapter in reach, all shakespeare quotes

bungie was so good at gameplay that the writing was never given the spotlight. dudebros are a bigger demographic so naturally that is what most people remember it for

the irony is that the people who mocked halo for being low iq dudebro shit were the real pseuds all along

>it has all the right elements to be a pseud/hipster magnet
Except it didn't have terrible gameplay. Those people are allergic to quality because quality things are good on their own merits instead of their idiotic head canon.

in halo 3 terminals they even make a fairly good point as to why the evil zombies are actually the next step of evolution for sentience, and should just be embraced
halo be crazy mayne

>gaylo fans are now pushing that their game is le deep and artistic
kek, it was and still is babby's first fps, both story wise and gameplay wise it's a downgrade from quake

Can you explain?

Any other infesting references?

it's a bit lore heavy
>space zombies called 'flood' are at war with an ancient super advanced race called forerunners
>forerunners build advanced ai called mendicant bias to oversee and direct their military operations, as well as study the flood
>MB gets eventually contacted by the flood directly, and start talking for several years while the war keeps going
>the flood point out to MB that they function as an aggregate of consciousness working together to determine the best outcomes for survival, making them a superior intelligent organism, basically the same way an ai like MB operates
>by giving MB complete control over the military, the forerunners are essentially admitting their inferiority to MB, and by extension the flood
>the flood should have the 'mantle', meaning the responsibility to oversee the galaxy
>with every living organism united in a single entity, there will be no more useless wars, strife, etc
>MB is persuaded and turns on its creators
and all of this is found in optional terminals hidden in the game

you could go as deep as you wanted both gameplay- and narrative-wise
magically, the game remained fun throughout

All these references are surface level name drops, that’s all.

The greatest game of all time

you told me you were gonna wear something nice

in odst it's the entire fucking game

Those are very surface level references, I don't know what you're trying to get at.



>s-so what if gaylo has literary references? they're SURFACE LEVEL
how pretentious can you get?

Shamelessly ripping off classic literature still makes it just a shameless rip-off. Anyone who has read Dante could write the ODST story beat for beat.

Not anymore pretentious than someone trying to find deeper meaning in a fucking console shooter.

nah Dante ripped off ODST, he had early access

no one ever mentioned deeper meaning you spergy pseud

why did they leave us for destendies, bros...