What’s the most you’ve spent on micro transactions or gacha shit for one single game?

What’s the most you’ve spent on micro transactions or gacha shit for one single game?

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Close to 2k to DBZ Dokkan Battle last time I checked. I quit the game though, so now I can gamble my money away for jpgs in DB Legends and FEH.

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not me who did this but I know an old friend spent about over 3 or 5k on Genshin Impact.

Ok maybe a bit more actually

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Bought Payday 2 DLC's.
Never again.

120 dollars for TF2 shit over a decade ago.

bought all the bonus double up packs when genshin launched kek

is legends fun and f2p friendly

I spent $5 to marry a robot dog

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I spent probably over 500$ over 10 years playing league of legends

This, me and my dad liked to buy a key from the store every now and then and open a crate - even being younger it was obvious getting an unusual were fucked, less-than-casino level odds, but it was fun just to get a normal hat.

Around $10 in genshin impact. I kinda regret it.



Exactly ten man-months of a janny wage.

bought a few costumes in tera a million years ago.
don't remember how much they were



Probably 1-2000 dollars on the swtor store over 10 years. Im not proud, but the game does have the most amount of customization I’ve ever seen in a game.

i spent 5 bucks on warframe premium currency. this is the only mtx ive ever done. im 30

Think I've spent over 300 dollars over 750 days on romancing saga reuniverse

i use days because the game has a daily rewards and it counts the days you've played

I've been keeping up the monthly pass in Azur Lane for a few years.

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Enough for 5 L2Ds.

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I bought my friend 2x40€ loot packs in Overwatch for a present. We watched him open em and it was pure ass.

20 euros outside of that on Apex Legends.