You have a cute asian girlfriend in Callisto Protocol

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As long as she doesn't die, Day 1 buy


That's a guy.

im faceblind as fuck but isn't that karen fukuhara?


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Are you people ever going to leave this board?

Too bad you're forced to play as an ugly mexican

>Are bots ever going to leave this board?
Fixed for you


What's the catch?


holy shit im right

i will buy your game now

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she's not real

>What's the catch?
You're forced to play as an ugly mexican

you know that josh duhamel is the protagonist right?

you already know, you're a cuck and she cucks you with a bbc bull
>inb4 image of that fat nigga with his info

Cool, I want more games where you can play as Mexicans. And I mean actual Mexicans from Mexico, not chicano dipshits.

>Karen Fukuhara known for being one of the leads in The Boys, plays a fellow prisoner in the game.
what was her crime?

Try telling me this is white.

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I will now buy your game

too much bbc

>South Korean influences
>Character's wife played by a Japanese-American

one fucking job

oh cool is she gonna be dead the whole time too?

A... agua...

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And I want him to speak nothing but Spanish the whole game

>Actress is called Karen
>Character will be dead the whole time, but, unlike Nicole, she will nag you throughout the entire campaign to do shit instead of supporting you
>When you're about to get to the bit where you see her in person and give her a smackdown she will be revealed as the main character's PTSD from having an Asian GF and listening to her every day


I love her so much

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would racemix/10

Did they nerf Karen Fukuhara's tits for the video game character?

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>donte approve of this message

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