Is Any Forums excited for Overwatch 2?

Is Any Forums excited for Overwatch 2?

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Not unless there's more straight vanilla Zarya porn

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I'm excited to see if it will be an embarrassment for blizz.

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I'm not in the beta, but I've been seeing the changes that they've made and it actually looks really promising. I said that about the first Overwatch too though and they ended up completing fucking that one up. The main thing that I don't understand, is that most of things that are getting fixed are things that have been a problem since 2016/17, like Excessive stuns, tanks being both unfun to play and unfun to play against(noone likes shields), and some heroes having awful designs like Bastion and Orisa. If they would have fixed these issues per-briggete, the game maybe wouldn't have died so quickly.
>t. quit playing in 2018 because Brig completed mogged my main

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It doesn't come out until an unknown point in 2023. The only thing coming out soon is a half assed balance patch that changes a bunch of shit for no reason.

>The most satisfying, fun kit in the entire game with almost unlimited skill potential
>Give it to an elderly woman
What did Bliz mean by this?

Attached: Ana.jpg (1400x1050, 159.92K)

I think my favorite thing about OW2 is that it was mandatory that every hero get a redesign, but the designers clearly had no idea for some of them so they just made deviantart tier changes like hats and beards

Less stuns has been nice, shitters like mcree no longer have a win button and have to actually aim, but losing one tank has made poke characters like widow crazy strong on the newer maps.

if you don't have at least 3000SR your opinion on this game is irrelevant, because plat-diamond is literally the biggest rank bracket and even a retard soccer mom playing moira/brigg can hit that, yet when Any Forums cries about this game they literally can't even tell a difference between watching GOATs gameplay vs. watching ow2 clips

fucking braindead website of retards that are worse at games than soccer moms

How do Roadhog and Ana feel? I used to switch between both of those characters before losing interest in the game around 2018. Seeing all the new and shiny changes though has made me consider playing again.

If you actually care about the competitive for this game you might have a disability. I just play quick play classic with my friends and dick around with roadhog

I haven't played tank yet because queue is 9 minutes, but to my understanding they are both basically the same as 1. The problem is 1 tank made main tanks way more important than off tanks. Ana is still tranna, she's constantly played and still over kitted.

I'm kind of worried about Roadhog, I keep seeing reddit trannies complaining about how he needs a rework in the same vein as Orisa. I know that doesn't mean anything necessarily, but if Roadhog is changed in any serious way it might kill my interest in the game. I don't know what tranna means, but if Ana is still OP I'm happy

That's fine, at least you recognize you don't really understand anything about the game and know your place, outside of the discussion. Bonus points if you got the game for like 5 dollars and only played it less than 50 hrs. Nothing wrong with that, many people play games like that. The problem is that when these people, or Any Forumstards with ZERO hours start to talk like they actually know how the game works. It's why there are retards unironically claiming it's the same game, despite the whole meta being up-ended.

You're bragging about having a greater knowledge of a game that most "gamers" literally view as a joke

in beta1 hog could vape during ult, he's still an annoying piece of shit with over 1000 effective HP that never dies

who are "most "gamers""? people who watch ecelebs like dunkey and can't think for themselves? lmao

I never felt so much pity while reading a post than this one.
Please go touch grass or at least another FPS. No matter your age, you deserve more.

No I don't watch ecelebs, but all of my friends that are into vidya literally start laughing when I mention Overwatch. Not a single person that I've met since 2018 has had a positive view of the game besides turboautists like you that browse r/overwatchacademy

wasn't this robot a girl

please describe to me in detail what online competitive shooters your "friends" play besides overwatch, and also know that I will laugh my ass off if you fucking dare mention csgo, valorant or apex lmao

They don't play competitive shooters because none of them are high school students with autism. Most of them just play coop or party games with each other, or single player games and talk in discord while they're playing them. Only one of them has any history of being a "le epic esports" guy, and he's probably the most autistic out of all of us.

so you're a retarded casual that can't even get out of metal ranks, and think most "gamers" play party games? gotcha

Not until they unlock mystery heroes, only reason I boot up the game

>He still cares about his made up video game rank
If you're older than 14, I genuinely feel bad for you. I don't even know what else to say other than that.

switch to 1-3-1 and overbuff support so i can fucking play dps you retards