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threads like these makes me glad late-term millenials will disappear in 3-5 years considering zoomers are hitting 30s in a year

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World is better.

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>zoomers are hitting 30s in a year

The youngest millennials are 20's. Zoomers are like 13 max.

You're thinking of gen alpha

>zoomers are hitting 30s in a year
bro zoomers are all born post-2000

the official gen z cut out line is 1995. Stop snorting shitposts and face reality

the oldest zoomer is 26. you're both retarded

I'm 24 years old and a zoomer mate.

The only thing new gen monster hunter did right was the updated graphics. The gameplay loop will never be the same after MHW ruined it completely.

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According to who?

I prefer the right dragon but the left cat.

World is the downfall of MH

It's 1999. Anything else is zoomer cope.

yeah cool but i dont think anyone who has actually played through Xenoblade and Xenoblade DE actually thinks the Wii version looks better

No matter what Gen you think MH peaked in, you'll still be based in my eyes. Fuck Gen 5.

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Yes, there's nowhere to go but down after World.

Rise is completely empty compared to World.

>Gathering hubs? Gutted in rise to 4 max. No fun allowed.
>Housing? Gutted in Rise. Reduced to shitty toys, no furniture customization at all.
>Fishing? Gutted in Rise. Just press a button to get fish.
>Monster research? Removed in Rise.
>Endemic life? Removed in Rise.
>Felyne tribes? Removed in Rise.
>Buddy gadgets? Removed in Rise.
>Tailriders? Removed in Rise.
>Pendants? Removed in Rise.
>Treasure hunts? Removed in Rise.
>Steamworks? Removed in Rise.
>Guiding Lands? Removed in Rise.
>Big collab events? Removed in Rise.
>Poogie? Removed in Rise.
>Food? Removed in Rise. Eat your candy balls for babies.
>Monsters? It only has 17.

Now they're removing features from base Rise and putting in NOTHING to replace them. What were they even doing during development? Not adding more monsters than Iceborne, that's for sure. They've done nothing, just phoning in the most lazy cash grab ever.

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demo vs final product

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Rathalos is such a lame mascot monster, they need to change it into Zinogre, Tigrex, Glavenus or something else

Of all the shitty monster hunter takes I've seen on this god forsaken board, yours is by far the worst

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I want to have sex with all 4, ergo all of them are SOVL

I wanna fuck monsters

Based dragonfuckers

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