Tfw no fucking time for vidya because of college

>tfw no fucking time for vidya because of college

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>quit college
>more time for vidya
Problem solved

>Finish college
>Become successful
>More time for vidya
Problem solved

Lillie sock
Feet lilly feet mmm

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>don’t go to college in the first place
>more time for vidya
Problem solved

planning to pass some postgraduate exams tomorrow

Sex with Lillie

>still taking exams
lol. lmao.

>got memed into college

Fuck are you talking about? You have plenty of time to do things in college.

>go to college
>no time for vidya
>graduate college and apply for jobs
>still no time for vidya
>finally get a job and work 9-5 all week
>still no time for vidya (except holidays sometimes)
This is the path we chose

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>that face when finals week

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>Can't find time after work
>Can't find time on weekends
Sounds like a you problem

>tfw classes + afternoon internships starting this september
It's unironically fucking over guys.

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there’s literally no point going to college unless it’s a top 3 in the UK or america

The fuck you guys studying to have no time for games lol
I'm in STEM and most of the time I just play videogames.
Don't tell me you are brainlets who need to "study" lmao

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They are probably doing degrees like law or economics that will get them a good salary and not put them in competition with an army of pajeets

I look like this everyday

dude im in college and ive never had more free time in my entire life

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>going to college for STEM
lmao even

dont you dare tell me having a degree doesn't matter anymore and i'm wasting my time and money

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fuck outta here, you have all the time in the world in college.
try running multiple businesses, being a landlord and having 3 kids.

I’m a lawfag. Good pay. Say goodbye to your free time though.

College is the last time in your life where you'll have time. You can pass it no problem barely studying and attending classed.

When you start working then you'll really have no time for anything, then the age will make you tired and tired until the sweet release of death.

And just wait until you have kids

>Go to work, finish work, go home
>Have complete free time until the next day
>Go to class, finish classes, do essays, do homework, study, worry about exams, repeat
God I fucking hate academia it baffles me that kids are afraid of leaving that shitty bubble when work is so much more comfy, stable and organized.