Doom 2016

Fuck... fuck, I just can't git gud at this game. I make progress, slow progress, but it's after trying 100 times at a battle before winning it, it is not a graceful flow of progression. Too much constant stress. Am I just too old for this game?

Attached: DOOM-2016.jpg (800x450, 128.7K)

The only good Doom game was the first one and that's it

2 is far better than 1, what the fuck are you on?

You're probably right because recently re-playing the first one I found it as exhilarating as nu-Doom fans feel about 2016, and a blast to play.

I only stopped at Thy Flesh consumed because I wanted to play II first.

He's on Any Forums. He doesn't have good taste in games

Lower the difficulty or aquire super shotgun

I'm already on Hurt Me Plenty and I do have the super shotgun. I don't have the humility to lower it the the easiest setting.

Which difficulty?
You have to be as close to your enemies as you can, unload everything on their faces and cqc them whenever possible.
I found the game not only easy when I do this,sometimes even frustrating as the encounters are pretty short, but most of the weapons are useless except for the double barrel and the railgun.

Move constantly, try to glory kill as much as you can, don't worry too much about ammunitions (except the ones for the BFG, those are actually rare), when low on ammo use the chainsaw on the small demons (or you can use it to instakill the big ones, but that is less efficient)

See . The big thing is even though I keep mobile, it's mostly running away, and when a baron of hell is in my face, I clam up.

Do you work for Polygon?

I forgot to add, it took me a while to understand this the first time I've played it. And the difficulty I've played is the third one, actually I wouldn't say it was easy, but fair. I just expected a bigger ammount of enemies on screen at once like in the last levels. The red difficulties are absurd though.

If you're having trouble here then oh boy Eternal is going to fuck you with no lube.
Also, it's not an age thing. I'm close to my 40s and can still play these on nightmare. Blaming age for doing badly is just cope.

That's why I haven't bought Eternal yet. I want to, but I know I'm going to not have a good time if I can't get a hang of this.

Maybe it is a cognitive thing. I'm a slow player. I like adventure games and I was a Mario kid instead of a Sonic kid. Games today are so fucking fast-paced they'd make a boomer's head swim.

After playing eternal I can easily say that doom 2016 is walk in a park compared to eternal. Still, I'm a cuck that can't complete the game on ultra-nightmare mode (talking about eternal).

>Games today are so fucking fast-paced they'd make a boomer's head swim.
I only can really agree when it comes to how silly Elden Rings later bosses are, but then even zoomers are saying that shit is too silly in places.
Doom '16 and Eternal aren't too bad with the speed, in fact I use the runes that speed up Doomguy on glory kills because the fucker is too slow.

What? How? It's really easy even on the hardest difficulty. Just run around like a spaz and shotgun things. Are you trying to play it like a cover shooter or something?

I even eventually dropped it because it got too repetitive and boring, run down a corridor, arena battle time, run down a corridor, arena battle time.

I only played this game for 8 hours because I honestly think it is a shitty FPS. Anyway, I had an "epiphany" at one point that improved my performance considerably. The key is to learn to move more or less erratically. Never stand still, but also don't try to move in a way that makes any sense, don't try to run too much either, move in a more or less chaotic way where you change direction and speed all the time, jump between platforms not because you need to, but because you need to keep moving chaotically, and during this process try to do as much damage as possible to any enemy that appears in front of you.


You sure you're playing 2016? What you're describing sounds more like Eternal. 2016 is relaxing as fuck with how blatantly overpowered Doom Guy is.

You know those signs that say "slow, children at play?" Take the comma out and I think that's me.
I'm not taking cover and stuff like that, I'm moving, but I'm not moving in the right way and I still get hit and the damage is brutal and I die in seconds. I have yet to master the movement I guess.

>run down a corridor, arena battle time, run down a corridor, arena battle time.
That was my first criticism of it.

Much like halo 1, guns are for prepping enemies for a melee kill and you mostly run around like an insane person avoiding all the slow as fuck enemy projectiles. Then, after everything is dead, you stare at the floor so you can follow blood trails and lights that suspiciously look like arrows.

When you punch kill enemies, they drop health.

Attached: gump-lieutenant.gif (498x213, 2.91M)

Then how are you dying? I don't understand.

Not killing enough, I guess.

But like what specifically is killing you? The very start of doom I kept getting pelted by fireballs, until I started doing this and then almost never got hit by a fireball again. The fireballs are like the only real danger, every other enemy you just keep sprinting around the arena and they never catch you.