Coworker says he likes to play vidya

>coworker says he likes to play vidya
>exclusively uses a PC
>he's kind of weird, maybe a bit socially maladjusted, possibly autistic, but a decent guy all around
>coworker says he likes vidya
>plays on consoles
>generally normal guy, very sociable, and well liked

why is PC the platform of choice for "that weird guy" while people who prefer consoles tend to be much more normal and sociable?

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casual gamer = not retarded

>PC gaymer
>spends all day in front of a computer and thus doesn't socialize much, even if not playing games has immediate access to the internet to kill time with
>Console gaymer
>has nogaemz so spends more time going out and doing other activities

I can say with reasonable certainty that those factors don't necessarily correlate.

>coworker says he's been thinking about playing old games like gta4
I still think about this every now and then.

What is a normalfag like you doing here?

He probably kanna anal vore

normalfag website

pc users are pedos

I'm the weirdest, most socially maladjysted person I know (helps I barely know any) and I'm a nintendie

Consoles don't have games so "console gamers" do other things

>coworker says they play video games
>call them a fucking retard loser

>go home and play video games

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By your logic you must be console gamers since you aren't playing games

Consoles aren't the cause, but a symptom of normalfaggotry. Generally people buy consoles to have next to the giant TV in their recreation room so they can play the football game after watching it when their buddies come over on the weekend.

PC gaming, specifically high end, is more about building the actual machine rather than playing any games on it, and showing it off to others online who share the same hobby online, because no one else in their city is that much of a loser nerd.

PC gaming is responsible for Discord existing and many other cesspits. It's for the undesirables: trannies, autists, furries, homos, etc.

>implying I'm not playing vidya right now

>making assumptions and generalizing off of a small sample of a few people you work with
>thinking Any Forums is one small group of people with a shared brain
Is there are dumber way of thinking?

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i need to reinstall the sims for some milky mommies

the internet

I know attractive and charismatic people who play extremely niche and interesting stuff and ugly people who suck at socializing that only play popular multiplayer shooters.
I don't even try to guess what people play anymore, unless they have hair dyed an unnatural color and you can tell from a mile away that they like persona.

I'd call GTA 4 old. Not retro, but it is a bit old.