Monster Hunter Sunbreak

How are randoms treating you?

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They cart a lot

I don't know how to make the gunlance not a clunky piece of shit and it's making me want to throw my controller
I fucking hate having to use ground splitter

As a GS user, I hate Anjanath and Rakna Kadaki so much

That's the trick. GL is like HBG. You run to where you want to be, unsheathe and go to town. You use your hops to reposition and sheath and run when the monster moves too far. You've got a shield so you can tank a few hits if you need too.

I haven't played any sunbreak MP and I sure as shit am not playing with randos.

Don't ground splitter if you don't have a shell or stake loaded, dummy.

>playing with randoms in world/rise

can literally only make your hunts worse

Surprisingly well. Usually when mosnters fall asleep there's one idiot who wakes him up but so far in SB most of the randoms I've played with plant bombs properly.

>ground splitter into erupting cannon for the buffs
>swap to other scroll with blast dash and regular stake
>fly around and air shot, slam, and slap everything into oblivion
>guard reload if I get caught out
Granted I've just been using Wide GLs in Sunbreak with Load Up, but I've been having a blast (pun intended) with it so far. Also, retreating blast bashes with the shield, so you can use that as well to cover distances and get more hits in. I'm not sure if it guards as well. Never actually tried.

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Thanks Denuvo!

>ground splitter goes away if you sheathe
>have to stop and do the slow full reload to have a stake or EC
guard reload and wide gunlances and stakes all suck

>fighting afflicted rathian
>get tagged by her flip, no bugs
>standing up directly in the path of her fireballs, absolutely about to die
>a bullfango runs directly in front of her face and eats all 3 blasts instead

I didn't even know that could happen.

Evade extender, it really helps to evade a lot of attacks and repositioning.

I dont think it could before. I've noticed small monsters, and especially Bullfangos, are more aggressive in Sunbreak. They'll actively try to fuck with me and the monster during an active fight. I don't know if I was ever run down by a fango in base game, but it happens like once per fight any time I do a Jungle hunt.
Sometimes I'll be running around getting birds and I'll see small monsters actively fighting large monsters.

rakna kadaki i get but anjanath is so easy with gs wtf... dont tell me you think rage slash and hunting edge are bad?

Don't be tricked by rampage decos

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I'm going through it nice and slowly with my bf, it's great :)

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>MR points don't accumulate before the final boss

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Played with Hunting Horn with another Hunting Horn Bro we invited others to join, we had heals, unlimited sharpness and Ear Plugs, most people loved it and hunting was peak comfy.