What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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Great graphics, great music, a few memes, new Xen. Overall a decent experience, better than the original? Maybe, the original is still great though.

Half Life 1, but soulless.


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One of the few acually good remakes, you can tell the studio were huge HL fans who spent years on the game

A "reimagination" of half life instead of a real remake
play the original instead

I prefer the original with BHL mod

Attached: arsenal.webm (700x392, 2.89M)


>Can't dual wield rockets

Half-Life but worse.

Half-Life 1 but better
sadly theres no Blue-Shift or Op-For versions

Great game overall, contains the best elevator ride in any game ever.
OST related.

Those are in development

Kino, and don't let contrarians tell you otherwise

Operation Black Mesa is literally that

Pure kino up until you get to Xen and they hand the level design over to retarded chimpanzees. Just stop playing after you get teleported desu

A worse version of the original.

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it's fantastic

has brutal half life been updated yet? its been years since the last update

Nope, supposedly they are still working on it and only test it in small private circles until it's stable enough to release to public.
Beta 2 is good enough for me.

Attached: houndeyes1.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

Is it just my nostalgia googles or does Half-life 2 have better facial animation?

Attached: 1642796742531.webm (540x960, 2.9M)

It amazes me how good Half-life looks so good after decades.

It's a fan interpretation in both the best and worst sense. Best enjoyed after having played the original, but nobody ever will. History will see Black Mesa as a straight replacement. This is sad because fewer people will enjoy the pure unfiltered soul of decades of Goldsrc memes and fan mods.

Attached: this is boid country.jpg (3000x1706, 1.95M)