You can inflict emotional damage on the enemies

>you can inflict emotional damage on the enemies

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are shortstacks a loli loophole?

no, lolis usually don't have a shortstack's hips and tits

Is that a shortstack? Looks more like a small woman.

I thought goblins reproduce like in Goblin Slayer. Female goblins don't exist and goblins reproduce by fucking other creatures like raping humans.

I don't like loli and generally find it repulsive so no not really

goblin slayer's gobbos are just edgelord fantasy

no, because lolis don't have shapely hips and boobs
Shortstacks are just short women

yeah and vampires shine like diamonds with sunlight

if this was a male goblin everyone would consider this creepy and psychotic

Depends on if the boy goblin was cute or not.

Lmao pathetic femcel

Yeah, not everyone is gay user.

>muh grimdark fantasy
gobbos love and respect women

Attached: 1656551125573.png (536x698, 566.75K)

Based feminists gobbos

Thats just a midget then. Short stacks have more curves, its where the "stacked" aspect comes from

Depends on the setting. Personally I like my goblins the exact same but are a female orientated species and abduct human males for reproduction.

Well fags are creepy and psychotic.

No the stack part comes from stacking them on my dick.

Congralutations user! You've just discovered that 90% of all human discourse is based around appearance.

The more visually appealing you are the more people are bound to listen to and favour what you say regardless of what you're saying.

Depending on the artstyle and the goblin's personality it could be endearing

that's usually orcs, not goblins

Depending one what you find appealing. I just wanna fuck a really short but responsible adult.
Literally don't care if it's the typical 1000 year old dragon kinda deal.

Did goblin slayer do permanent damage to goblin lore because of the MUH ULTRADARKGIGAGRIMDARK setting?


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no because goblins are still viewed as being trivial fodder in everything that matters

I want my fantasy wife to be atleast 8' OKAY

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Goblins have always been evil

In wich fantasy worlds races are able to breed with each other?

Pretty sure modern pop culture damaged goblin lore far more than Goblin Slayer did. Goblin Slayer probably made people respect Goblins far more because of how much of a threat they're portrayed as unlike in other media where they're just early level fodder.

This but they are also horribly inept at picking up dudes like in op image.

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you mean like this?

Attached: 1636694908625.png (2368x1253, 3.12M)

>Goblin Slayer invented irredeemably evil goblins

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This is the same kind of logic that has Australia claiming grown ass women are not allowed to be seen nude because they're "too short"

Yes, but thats male goblins who dont exist

most of them
lord of the rings did it
dnd did it
most fantasy settings are based on those

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No. Muh grimdark goblins and cutesy goblins are both pretty recent takes that rose to popularity. Not that there haven't been any grimdark goblins before, but it's more like a resurgence after them being the usual low level canon fodder for decades.

I hate women so fucking much bros.

Damn, I didn't know she died, fucking sad
