And then the fish man showed up!

>and then the fish man showed up!

What about this makes him so influential across all spheres of western entertainment? You constantly see game references to his stories based on basically nothing but this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fish are scary

deep sea fish are scary

>tentacles are…LE SCARY

The fishes are important because of the hypocrisy of the protagonist. He lynched the niggers, yet is one himself.

You would freak out if you saw a giant oxtopus on land.

Four things off the top of my head:
a) The design of his monsters; just about everyone can call to mind how Cthulhu looks.

b) The names of his monsters and locations sound really cool, and get used in many areas unrelated to Lovecraft. Arkham Asylum is probably the most famous example of that.

c) The concept and genre of 'cosmic horror'. Lovecraft didn't outright invent it; in his incredibly influential essay on supernatural horror admits as much in the opening line - "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown". But no one did a better job getting it out there than he did.

d) He maintained extensive correspondence with hundreds of other writers, young and old, and influenced a lot of them that way, making his legacy even wider than just his monsters and cosmic horror.


I blame Stephen King, he's one of King's favorite authors and he helped popularize HP's work.
They both good horror writers but slightly overrated.

The design of his monsters; just about everyone can call to mind how Cthulhu looks.
Most people don't actually even know what his monsters look like outside of this. Despite giving them as much detail as Cthulhu they all illustrate them incorrectly.

i thought of this idea for a short anime series where some percentage of the world's human population goes into a trance and walks into the ocean. eventually deep sea exploration starts finding them a week or two later and theyre horrific hybrids of different deep sea creatures and human that are aggressive and start killing people.
i havent figured out what would trigger this or how to resolve it but its just an excuse to make ocean horror creatures.

Attached: Underwater-concept-art[1].jpg (1200x800, 42.49K)

HP Chudcraft
Look up the name of his cat

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Read "Nyarlathotep" and "The Temple" for HP stories about people walking into the ocean.

I did cosmic horror better than him

That wasn't his cat, it was his father's cat.

The reason Lovecraft is so popular is because his writing has arguably aged better than any other horror author.

He was one of the first authors to write horror for the modern era. Advancements in science and technology had made superstitions like ghosts and other fairy-tales ridiculous. So instead he tapped into other fears of the unknown on a much grander scale. He believed that enlightenment would eventually lead humanity to discover true horrors they were never meant to see. Which you could argue is exactly what society is going through right now with things like the internet and smartphones giving people a level of power they're completely unfit to handle. It's why we're entering into a post-facts society, human beings aren't fit to handle the truth, they need comforting lies.

Any examples come to mind?

aquatic based creatures are just weird man, and the proximity only makes them weirder. it's compelling

Shoggoth's, for starters.

He was a strong influence on all the big authors today.
Personally I don't care for his or any horror, but he was at least right about niggers.

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But he said nigger once so that makes me not like him wahhhhhhhhh

I call it the "Mario effect", you don't have to be the best, you just have to be one of the first in your genre and good

His writer friends circle creating his lore and everything, he sucks and died poor but like always the "leader" steal all the merits and work

i don't even watch anime but i feel like horror's true potential can only be reached with animation right now. especially for crazy monster designs and the ocean setting.

thanks user

He came from a time when existential dread did not permeate through day-to-day life as it does now. The concept of humans being tiny insignificant specks was still scary to the people at the time.

did you know there are styles of animation outside of japan?

>tfw read Lovecraft shit my pants and can't sleep for the entire night
>tfw read Stephen King and don't feel anything

dunno Lovecraft just writes like it was real.

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It's because his writing is excellent.
But you wouldn't understand since you don't read books.

The majority of "lovecraft fans" haven't read him either and just parrot what heard about him via osmosis.

HP Chudcraft is credited with all dark souls games, elden ring games, sekiro and all the other shit despite how bug, insect and centipede horror has nothing to do with fascist neo nazis like chudcraft. Japanese people have lots of experience with bugs. He had 0 influence on dark souls you mouth breathing honkies.

Dark souls is japanese horror you idiot imbeciles

>imagine reality
>god isn't here

Lovecraft DID invent Cosmic Horror in terms of literature.

i think they're like 4d worms with branches. what were seeing is just a chunk, and maybe it gets bisected but its just a scratch on its body.

also some humans are secretly shoggoths and they just don't know it

>italians make me lose my sanity
why was he like this?

based short story enjoyer

Aside from scary vibes and world building? An ethos that looked at modern society and saw that scientific and social advancement could only show us how little and limited we are as a species.


No he didn't. All the good cosmic horror in the past few years was japanese insect horror. Chuds try to claim it because chuds thinks whites deserve credit for japanese people do. Always stealing credit from others

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Funny how you left out Bloodborne, the one FROM game that was directly inspired by Lovecraft.

im pretty sure the first was commander keem? or duke?

> What a boy he was! I watched him grow from a tiny black handful to one of the most fascinating & understanding creatures I've ever seen. He used to talk in a genuine language of varied intonations—a special tone for every different meaning. There was even a special "prrr'p" for the smell of roast chestnuts, on which he dotes. He used to play ball with me—kicking a large rubber sphere back at me from half across the room with all four feet as he lay on the floor. And on summer evenings in the twilight he would prove his kinship to the elfin things of shadow by racing across the lawn on nameless errands, darting into the blackness of the shrubbery now & then, & occasionally leaping at me from ambush & then bounding away again into invisibility before I could catch him.
> And my old nigger-man was leaping in & out of the shadowy bushes, occasionally deigning to let his Grandpa Theobald pick him up, put his green shining eye to the telescope, & show him the critical surfaces of remote planets—where for all we know the dominant denizens may be lithe, quadrupedal, sable-furred gentlemen exactly like Nigger-Man himself!
> Of all my dreams, about 0.8 are of that period—with myself in short trousers & at the old home, with my mother, grandfather, black cat Nigger-Man, &c. Still alive.
He was a really good writer

Oh no, the tranny lost it.

>posts author
>hasn't read him
You really a dumb mouth-breathing ape.

Ancient west Miyazaki

Why don't games that would actually benefit from remakes get remade?

>mfw the anglerfish in SOMA

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Because I'm not a snoy you disgusting cultist

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commander keen literally started as a pc port of mario

End 1980s dissaproves

This is not the writing of a man who hated black.

Sure but anime art wouldn't do his gritty stories and realistic depictions any justice.

His writing can be good but his contemporaries are far better than him at writing. Most of his stories are actully pretty mediocre.

The perpetually butthurt yuropoor lamenting his irrelevance.

He's smart; he came here where he'd get real answers instead of going to /lit/.

>disgusting cultist
Sony is secretly an elder god.

>constantly ranting about niggers being subhuman when he wasnt writing about unspeakable cosmic horrors

What an amazing human being. I'm amazed that his stuff hasn't been cancelled by the globohomo police yet.

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>constantly ranting about niggers being subhuman when he wasnt writing about unspeakable cosmic horrors
there's literally one short story were talks about nogs you retarded faggot.

Lovecraft actively describes what a shoggoth looks like, most people who draw them do so incorrectly. Waht they look like is actually far simpler than what people think. They're more alien looking than they are monstrous like in almost every illustration you find on a search engine.

Nietzsche merely wounded God, Lovecraft truly killed him. He opened our eyes to the insanity of believing in a benevolent God, and that if in fact a Divinity did exist it would be indifferent or hostile to us.

he didn't "hate" them like your average Any Forumstard, the man genuinely believed there was a scientific basis for them being lesser creatures. Its its own kind of racism, but he wasn't getting on his soapbox screaming about it. the chud wants you to believe their beliefs are whole and consistent throughout time but really, the racists of yesteryear would think the racists of today are fucking retarded.
>he disparages the negroid
>his own genetic pedigree is in question

He isn't canceled because he is a marginal character. And Cthulhu is cool.