ITT: Spoil a game without revealing what game it is. Optionally...

ITT: Spoil a game without revealing what game it is. Optionally, other anons try to guess but please use spoiler tags for game names.

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You died during the tutorial. The entire game afterwards is your brain being used as a processor to run through another soldier's memories repeatedly so your organization can learn from you.

The drunk guy who was magically transported by Tibetan monks to another world was the big bad all along.

Remember those cybernetic augmentations you got? They've been remotely controlling you throughout the whole game. You, the player, is literally controlling the protagonist both inside and outside the game.

You're were the master badie all along

The murderer is just some incel. He was peeping on a girl for a while and shot the guy she was fucking

The game was a simulation to teach your species empathy in the hopes they learn to coexist with humanity rather than annihilate it.

an alien emits chemicals that causes war deserter to become an incel and murder a woman


You caused the time paradox in the tutorial. The final mission is you going back in time to prevent you from embarking on the mission in the first place, unknowingly creating the time paradox.

wait no I fucked it up
pretend I said a man instead of a woman

There is no coinflip.

Plot twist: The attack that got your gf kidnapped was an inside job and also you got cucked.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3


You spend the entire game believing you're the protagonist to actually find out in the end that you're just a pawn being used by the actual protagonist

Prey 2017

You kill God who is just a computer program then you live happily ever after in a computer program. This somehow does not cause any existential dread to the characters

Do you remember that mission that you almost failed but got "Deus Ex machined"? Turns out you actually failed the mission and got in coma, the rest of the game is just a dream.

your robot waifu sabotages the salvation of humanity because you won't pay attention to her

Your childhood friend was raped and mindbroken by aliens and trapped you in a timeloop in another dimension until you got a timeline where she wasn't cucked by another girl

You have to get inside the core of the planet that's the closest to the sun. Take out the thingamajig. Fly to the planet the furtherst away from the sun. Insert the thingamajig into the spaceship. And insert that code you found in the core of the biggest planet. Then you finish the game.
Fuck you I just spoiled the entire game. What were you expecting in a thread like this?

You are actualy war criminal and in the end you atone for your sins