Remake is worse in everyway

>Remake is worse in everyway
>Everyone exclusively praises the Remake

Name the game

Attached: Hxh90.jpg (2123x768, 152.13K)

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Both were good in different ways.

Most recent example I can think of.

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too bad greed island sucked

>remake completely ruins the original's aestehtic, atmosphere and soundtrack
>author's artistic vision is completely disregarded and actively despised by the remake leading the author to fall into deep depression
many such cases

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what is that?

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hxh 2011 adapts the best manga arc so it's easily better than 1999

Resident Evil (Gamecube)
Oh no no no
This shit is embarrassing.

Wait what

Resident Evil 2 Remake

link's awakening
seiken densetsu 3


2004 had a "warmer" style which is always preferred but Brotherhood gets extra points just for being one of the few shows based on a long running manga that doesnt waste the shit out of your time, skipping over the earlier chapters ended up being a mistake though

>Arakawa hating FMAB
>went into depression over it

What fucking drugs are you on user?

Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

>FMA anime
>the original

Attached: Fuck-you.jpg (1000x899, 228.04K)

How was that worse?

In what way was that remake worse when every single thing was way better than the original?

The atmosphere, art direction, lighting, ect..

real life

Brotherhood sucks because of the humor, she's so bad at it, to me the original anime was better because it stayed in a serious mood, and don't get me wrong, i like a little bit of comedy in my serious manga, but, the author just SUCKS at making it

Nigger you what? Brotherhood isn't a remake. It follows the fucking manga.

More bland artstyle, tacked on Game modes, botched multi-player that requires 2 carts and 2 systems, worse sound font, soulless CGI cutscenes.

Resident Evil 1 Remake

>very single thing was way better than the original?
lol, lmao. retard sees high res textures and pretty glowy lights and completely ignores everything else that bluepoint fucked.

imagine liking FMA '03. completely fucks up the story and makes it retarded and also has weird fucked up shit in it purely for shock value.

The fucking voice acting too holy shit why did they redo it?


>literally fucked the entire soundtrack
>changed all the animations which are now all weightless and now give the protagonist hints of feelings

you needed 1 cart and yes you needed two systems, how else would you implement 2 player off a DS game?

2011 may look worse but it's more accurate to the manga's style. Also I'll never recommend 99 because it skips the Hisoka vs Kastro fight while spending so many episodes on anime-only filler