Modern FPS games suck

So, Any Forums I need validation on this, the vast majority of FPS games within the past decade have sucked ass. Other genres are MOSTLY doing fine, it’s just the FPS games getting noticeably worse, am I just a retard who can’t accept change or is there some truth to this?

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>is there some truth to this?

Doom Eternal is the best FPS since Painkiller

>other genres
>mostly fine
user, I...


Shiver me fuckin timbers matey. That is an ICE cold take.

i like ULTRAKILL, you might like it too

FPS is the only genre not currently suffering a good game drought, your problem is you focus only on the AAA space.

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hrot looks kino

>Doom Eternal is the best FPS since Painkiller

Gonna be honest, Doom Eternal was better than most modern FPS games, still not the biggest fan. I think ultakill handled the concept better, avoiding meaningless animations that slow the pace
I said ‘mostly’ for a reason, purely from a gameplay perspective.

Play Brigand:Oxaca or however it's spelled.

>FPS is the only genre not currently suffering a good game drought
I would argue the opposite, while every genre is suffering under the AAA market, far more smaller AA or Indie titles have revived other long since dead genres, and are just extremely enjoyable. I’m not running out of fun platformers, puzzlers, racing, hell even a few adventure games. With FPS games, though? Sometimes you get a few diamonds in the rough, or a few throw backs, otherwise not much.


I think the issues are the following:
>emphasis on muh graphics instead of interesting art & level design -- areas and situations and the general look of the games are boring
>importance of physics and engaging gameplay is forgotten -- competent physics engines make playing the game inherently more fun especially if the game is designed with physics in mind, and the player should be given tools to play the game in different ways

we're literally having an old school fps revival wtf are you talking about

>vast majority of FPS games within the past decade have sucked ass
>Doom Eternal
>Nu-Shadow Warrior 3
>Amid Evil
>Ion Sneed
>Devil Daggers
>Wolfenstein TNO/TOB
>Nightdive remasters
>more shooters underway
Nigger we are in the new golden age of singleplayer FPS.
Multiplayer shooters are dead as FUCK though but there was a short mini-renaissance in early 2010s.

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That new Postal game was also pretty good


Damn I missed its release because I automatically assumed it's going to stay in Early Access for 2+ years like any other new boomer shooter.

this, also Neon White isn't a particularly traditional FPS but it's a lot of fun

This sums up a lot of my problems, I think. I feel like we almost completely lost a golden age regarding physics in particular after Half-Life 2, the mid 2000s was a showcase of what could have been if shit cod-likes hadn’t become the standard.

>indie retro shooter renaissance
Most of these are… decent, some are really good, but almost none of these are as good as the games they’re emulating. Games that already have thriving mod scenes that tend to surpass the before mentioned full games because the small team isn’t stretched thin and can focus on level design, new mechanics and the like

I started giving FPSes a chance lately. Apex was fun for 100 hours and single-player ones like Dusk are pretty solid. That's not to say the majority doesn't suck ass, but both major and indie productions are keeping the genre alive.
With how modern gaming works money will wander where most interest is. At least be glad that popular FPSes evolved into battle royales without losing their core functionality, unlike RTSes basically dying out by turning into MOBAs.

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Seeing them all listed out like this, my god. The situation is worse than I thought.