Post some slightly melancholic overworld themes from okay RPGs you played

Post some slightly melancholic overworld themes from okay RPGs you played.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Racist as long as its white people
>Does not give a fuck about reason
>Snobbish holier than thou taste in videogames
>obsessed with Ricky Gervais tier parody and nihilism
Why do trannies always have such revolting personalities? I find how they behave leagues more disgusting than how they look

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>Why do trannies always have such revolting personalities?
It comes with the package.

I thought this was a pretty wholesome post by them, though.

What music do you use to melt a black boy's heart?

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Id honestly be impressed if a girl(female) played this for me

This legit happened to me. First date with girl in highschool, she took me to a play and after everyone filed out this guy started playing the ff10 them on a piano in the corner.
It felt very romantic.

Why, you ask? Didn't you see the absolute helpless abomination and sense of rancid stench that comes from the mere eye contact with them? The detachment from the animal kingdom, the repentance from the human society, the disdain for God, the blind rejection of morality itself?
And again, why you ask. Why are these monsters like this? Because they indeed are but monsters, emboding the era we live in: the age of men

This twitter person knows what's up:

Ff10 theme*

feels :(

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lmaooooo ypeepo be crazy bruh

>this direct personal attack against me
Stop. Leave me alone. I did not ask for this. Also:
These are over 20 years old you can't say it's what OPs tranny was saying. God damn it.

She's right though


That's a dude.

Thats gay as fuck.
The woman I'll marry is gonna have to play me some rotting christ. Video game "music" is a joke, its like unironically listening to elevator music

>everyone else is just participating in the thread
>you're going mental about trannies on twitter
seek help mate

She's not she though.

I'm so starved for attention that this would work on me


Lol. Look at this user becoming a little kitten in our hands.

This is true for me, but it's funny when you realize that nothing a dumb bitch does can make you relax, while the slight melancholy overworld theme has so much feeling and meaning in it that it makes your woman as good as cartboard.
Women are too often incapable of any deep feeling or interesting thought. If all they care about is their cunt being filled with cum, you should by all means give them that. Pump and dump any cunt who stops paying attention when you try to engage her in meaningful topics such as the value of faith or the consequences of life as a single chemical process or hell, what she's doing with her right to vote. It doesn't matter how simple and immediate you make it, doesn't matter which topic out of a thousand you pick or if you set out to agree with everything she says, as long as she tries to think of what she says. It can be gardening and cooking, it can be engineering or metaphysics. If she doesn't think, she's not a human.

You gotta accept your body and mind desperately crave the female touch, but women want all of your focus and attention while their bodies and gossip deserve half an hour per day at most. Reconcile that and your life is complete. Past those 15-30 minutes in a day, what does she bring to you that's worth your attention? You can mop the floor and clean the dishes on your own. Don't let women bitch and nag to get your productive energy for free. Make it clear that her worth is exactly how much worth she gives to anything beside her momentary delusion of satisfaction. Every woman has to learn it, even though it's so difficult to go past their instinct for intellectual laziness and fear of critical thought.

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For me, it's resident evil safe rooms
Every damn time, makes me nostalgic for a childhood I never had.

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Good times

Stop normalizing their shit

Stop malding about them on a random website

game game is this