Bethesda HATE Fallout 1 Fallout 2

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I swear this faggot could say Todd Howard comes into the office and makes every employee polish his fat hog one at a time and retards on Twitter would believe it.

Is Bethesda still salty that they will never be able to make a game better than Fallout 1 no matter what they do?

Why are shit games ok when they are made by Bethesda?
I bet you Cyberpunk would generate zero backlash if Todd was behind it.

Most of the employees at bethesda have never even played Fallout 1. The deleted tweet that Avellone references is that people at bethesda are still really salty about how fans love new vegas.

death to bethesda

Name one shit game made by bethesda

>Shreier, notorious shitstirrer and famous for his saltiness over being blacklisted by bethesda for leaking shit is shitstirring.
Gee, what a surprise.

I see Schreier is still salty about being blacklisted by Bethesda.

Based muckraker Schreir revealing all the gossip these shit studios don't want you to know

>HATE AAA corps
>HATE gaming journalists
no matter who loses, I win

The developer or the publisher?

Are these bot posts? The fuck does that guy have to do with this?

might wanna read the OPs image again

I guess its too be expected that they would seethe that hard about New Vegas after watching the faggot Emil present his writing style/technique video on youtube. If I had a narrative designer that retarded on my team I would quit after seeing his work and hid methodology as well. Fuck me dude just get the world designers from Bethesda and get the narrative designers from FO1/2 and mix the gameplay designers together and that would make for a competent non retarded Fallout game. They could even compromise on location doing it in Texas so it dosent fall too far into Obsidian or Bethesda canon.

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>according to Schreier
Why does this guy have such a hate boner for Bethesda? Did Todd sleep with his wife or something?

proof next thread?

>Based muckraker Schreir revealing all the gossip these shit studios don't want you to know
>Unless he's on good terms with them then they can do no wrong :^)
Don't fall for the kike's tricks user.

both fallout 3 and new vegas are fucking garbage alongside every single fallout game after 2
fallout is a RPG played from an isometric perspective, directly based on the tabletop RPG system GURPS. fallout 3 and new vegas are just shitty normalfag shooting games that pretend to look like fallout

Bethesda have dumbed down their rpgs so much even game journalists are starting to recognise the pattern.
Think about that for a second user.


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is this a trick question?

oblivion with guns has become a forgotten meme

They stopped feeding him info.

>Fallout series was dead without Todd
should have stayed dead

Yeah, he did. FO1 had a bunch of volunteers that unofficially helped work on the game after-hours.

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How was he accurate about Starfield delays then?

Good morning sirs
Do the needful

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Italianon why have you been in a Fallout mood recently anyways.

He was responsible for the intial Fallout 4 leaks and Bethesda pulled a lot of strings to have him blacklisted with a lot of other studios (for a time) in retaliation.

I remember the giving water to the homeless man choice. I never recovered from these consequences.

Fuck off. He never talks about games themselves. He just talks about "the industry" and that amounts to writing defenses for studios he's buddy buddies with and writing hit pieces on studios that did something to piss him off. The question is only "What did Bethesda do to Schreier?"

fallouts 1 and 2 stopped being good the moment 3 came out

Bethesda began tarnishing the rpg legacy of Fallout and Schreier could not stand for that.

I can't name only one.

>thirdies keep shitting up the board
>they all unanimously love Fagout 3
can't make this shit up

low IQ nigger

>and Bethesda pulled a lot of strings to have him blacklisted with a lot of other studios
You get evidence to back that up or are you just making it up? I can buy Bethesda cutting him off but the idea Bethesda can command the games industry is a bit of a stretch. If he got universally blacklisted then that means he's universally despised.

While it may be company policy to specifically not give him details, that won't stop rogue employees from leaking stuff under the table anonymously.
For all that I despise the little rat, he's very well connected.

Good morning sirs

Good morning sirs
Do not redeem New Vegas
New Vegas is the Reddits
Fallout 3 is ForChans

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Could have been a Zenimax-wide blacklist, as they had a lot of studios in the portfolio before MS acquired them.

nailed it