If you care about the "console war" or argue which console is better you are either a poorfag or a child

If you care about the "console war" or argue which console is better you are either a poorfag or a child.
No adult with a stable income cares about on which platform people enjoy their games.
Participating in the "console war" is just cope, because of buyers remorse.

Attached: consolewar.jpg (800x450, 61.91K)

Couldn't say it any better myself, arguing over this shit is literally for children. Used to happen at school.

You'll see that people who care about consoles beyond the games on them lean towards one specific company.

I'm an idort and I participate in console warring based on what side is being uppity in what thread. Snoys getting smug? I'm an Xbot. Tendies shilling their fisher price tablet? I'm a Snoy.

Just another excuse to divide and alienate people.

I never praise any console, I just shit on all of them. They're all crap compared to the 6th gen.

So you're the bottom of the barrel when it comes to shitposting.

So you act predominantly as a tendie then.

>pcvegans are by far the most annoying and toxic userbase of all
If you believe that then you're part of the worst userbase.

this. Console wars are for chads because PC fags are the most obnoxious. I have a PC worth 2k but enjoy arguing about which secondary gaming machine is the best for couch / tv. (its series X this gen)

>pcvegans are by far the most annoying and toxic userbase of all
used to be like that during ps3/360 era and early last gen, but since then pc players have become much less annoying.
And it's understandable considering how companies fucked pc gamers with shit ports or no ports at all back then.

>PS does great for a decade
>PS goes downhill
>"well actually console wars are for kids"

Honestly nowadays the worst group is the Sony fanbase. Everything they touch becomes a cesspit of shitposting regardless of where you go.

>mod autosages thread

I feel pity for you, little fag born under brand loyalism.

All consoles are overpriced garbage that is holding the industry back. There's no reason why a game should be "exclusive" to a certain platform or storefront. The companies don't even make a profit from console sales, they take a substantial loss which they then recoup with games sales. There should be a universal platform with different storefronts. Epic and Steam "exclusives" are fucking irritating but at least you don't have to buy new hardware for them.

Attached: 09857234798602543.jpg (318x367, 28.26K)

RN here. I own all 3 + a gaming PC.

Suck it poorfags

>simping for companies

>The companies don't even make a profit from console sales, they take a substantial loss which they then recoup with games sales.
Most of Nintendo's money comes from consoles nowadays.

>The companies don't even make a profit from console sales
Been told that yesterday for the PS3 which sold like 100m units. Is it true Sony didn't make money at all on it and even lost some? Cannot find numbers, only stuff about the early ones being sold at a loss but that's always the case.

Yeah it's true, they're selling substandard PC's with proprietary operating systems, they're overpriced crap but still not enough to cover expenses.
