Now that the dust has settled, what in the fuck did he bring to the table for Elden Ring?

Now that the dust has settled, what in the fuck did he bring to the table for Elden Ring?

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He wrote the names for a handful of locations and characters. That's it

Mohg, who wants to fuck his infant brother

He needed some people to tell about his weiner

A marketable name

All the incest plus the dung eater

The peepee poopoo man

why does he always wear that stupid hat?

hes a redditer


Feces and incest.

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Diallos storyline looks like something He would write.

I want him to deliver me a steam deck.

Why would GRRM think that drinking water would cause you to shit more water?

This guy gets it.

He was involved with the parts of the story that was 90% rape.

Does he really eat shit?

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If you have diarrhea and drink water you'll shit out water.

Probably wrote the setting up until the shattering and then Miyazaki wrote the dumb convoluted shit like Ranni's "split centipede mark" shit with Godwyn and the standard "Pick the Fire or pick the dark" ending of all soulsborne games.


The only characters that don't have the GRM initials are the side characters Fromsoft added in after "shattering" GRRMs part of the story. GRM made the demigod royal family and some of the background but no way he had anything to do with Alexander or Boc. You can tell because neither of those names are retarded unlike Malenie, Miquella (male) or Maliketh.

This fat piece of shit vandalized elden ring because he doesn't think video games are mature enough to tell real stories.

What pisses me off the most is I had an idea of a fantasy world where a bunch of gods come from the void towards the center of the universe where a primordial being resides and ultimately change its fate through their meddling.

Lo and behold, Elden Ring is about a world with a primordial crucible that is basically the world soul being manipulated and changed by outer gods with the GW being the current sovereign and the Erdtree being the crucible's current form.

I'm so pissed about it.