Please tell me they are adding more shit to this?

The new Ratchet and Clank game isn't even on there even though it's a first party game. The fuck Sony?

Attached: playstation-plus-extra-games-list.jpg (1280x720, 111.99K)

They wanted to have something to keep people from switching to Xbox. They never said it will be better.

Sony wants to have their cake and eat it too by having a subscription service like MS's while still having their drones drop sixt- oops, SEVENTY bucks on all their new games.

The only one worth it might be death stranding, the rest are single player and you can just pirate them or mortal kombat 11 which sucks ass

Stray is coming this month and its looking like 1 year after first party games come out they will come to this service. I think I remember some leaker saying R&C Rift Apart was coming too. Also its not like gamepass had that many first party games coming out this year either.

They said new games come at the middle of each month, so we'll see what kind of shit they'll give. But for sure 1st party titles will eventually get on there. Eventually.

the PS2 games aren't on there either, nor is Tools of Destruction

how does sony get away with making people pay 70 dollars for their shitty games? it's insane.

every single dumbass normie here has bought PS5 from scalpers for insane prices while they could have just bought a series S for half the price and pay basically nothing for the same games

>series S
Might as well keep playing on their PS4 or Xbone until they're dropped entirely.

Nintendo charges $60 for games years after they release and their service only has ancient games. Subscription services for games are clearly not necessary for consumers yet like TV and music are.

who the heck watches TV in current year

OP here. I manage to snag a digital version PS5 on a drop alert I signed up for so there's that at least. But yeah $70 is some bullshit and even shittier still is not giving us them via this worse gamepass.

my parents
my dad has a smartphone and all and he still uses teletext

I'm talking about Any Forums. I don't know the more generic term for it.


sure, but fact remains is that Nintendo doesn't need to do this and its really only Microsoft that wants to bleed money pushing subscriptions. People are still willing to buy games.

I honestly don't mind paying for a service if it provides a decent amount of games old and new. In this case tho Sony's extra pass sucks ass and needs to add newer shit. And as for the old shit it can't even let you download the fucking PS3 games.

that's because jim ryan thinks nobody cares about back compat and is too cheap to spend money on a decent PS3 emulator

That's retarded logic when premium is another $20 to even access the fucking PS3 games. All adding up to $120 for this fucking awful service

that's what you get when you put a soulless "number go up" suit incharge of your videogame company. playstation will be dead within the next 5 years

Remember when snoys used to scream that gamepass was "unsustainable" and was irrelevant and how $70 is better than $10 and all that jazz?

>how does sony get away with making people pay 70 dollars for their shitty games?
combination of corporate worship, paid astroturfing and zoomies as a whole being retarded enough to fall for trickle down reaganomics
>if we pay more,the devs will get more and then they'll be able to make even better games!
t. sheltered retarded brats who dont know any better