How well do you like your degrees of fictionalism in video game characters, Any Forums?

How well do you like your degrees of fictionalism in video game characters, Any Forums?

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i like right more

this is a stupid topic

I don't even want to play as a human in video games, and no not as some god damn anime tier faggotry either. I want less and less human characteristics, like going full on alien grey mode with no mouth even

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autism much?

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>right: BJ

>BJ if he were stung by a swarm of bees

nu-wolfenstein may be garbage but BJ is still based

>How well do you like your degrees of fictionalism in video game characters, Any Forums?
I like plenty of fiction in my videogames but putting the holocaust in seems like a little too much

Literally anya's real father

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needs a big nose and no chin to be more realistic if the character is really a jew

Exaggerated features in fictional characters exist for a reason. They help amplify what characterizes the character, especially to make him more self insertable. Even for villain characters too.

The duck in this picture is heavily exaggerated. Why? Because it characterizes him, especially considering it's a cartoon and not a reflectively verbatim medium on reality. If you do not like this, you are soulless.

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You faggots will argue about anything.

ok, which is the way, inverted axis or not?

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the BJ edit on the right makes him look like the lawyer

never got why people make the eys tiny all the time. is it to amplify fear?

American port vs original

The anime elephant got me acting kind of unwise.

Anime elephant is cute.

But angry elephant has a kind of martial, even manly air about him. I am reminded of the steadfast confederate generals of the war of secession - one man (or elephant as it were) you can entrust your life to. I'd follow that elephant into hell.

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its Karl Urban