Was it schizophrenia?

Was it schizophrenia?

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Libtards hate seeing people who aren't degens like them so they rationalise them as being degen to feel better about themselves

a diagnosis abused by trannies to validate their illness

Split personality from childhood sexual trauma.

it was roe v wade being overturned

Therese was hotter

Therese sent a hit squad to try and gun me down.
Jeanette didn't.

I made my choice.

Were they two different people at once? The painting seems to imply so, but how does that even make sense?

Which one was schizo? Both? I only got that vibe from the one that wears pigtails desu

Only two more weeks until VTMB2 rises from the grave with Punished Mitsoda at the helm once more, purged of all the danger hairs. Trust the plan.

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God bless.

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when the effin heck are we gonna get an update on VTMB2? Or has Paradox given us the middle finger?

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Don't lump me in with that retard, I know they're in the same body now, did you even read my post. I asked if THEY ALWAYS WERE OR SOMEHOW TURNED INTO THE SAME BODY WITH TWO DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES/MINDS CAUSE OF MALKAVIAN/VAMPIRE BULLSHIT.

Do you just not read dialogue, or what?

I know Jeanette says they merged or some bullshit. But why the fuck should I trust a crazy person to not make that shit up


Kill yourself

lol. genuine moron

don't care, had sex


By the time you meet them, they're in the same body. The painting is weird though...like either there was always one daughter that had a personality split, and then years later commissioned a fake painting of her as two daughters, or there were originally two daughters and one of them died and her personality was manifested in the other.

what happens in two weeks?