Sonic Advance 2 > Sonic Advance > Sonic Advance 3

Sonic Advance 2 > Sonic Advance > Sonic Advance 3
Rush > Colors DS > Rush Adventure

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So do people hate advance 3 so much?

I think I prefer Sonic Advance 1's level design over 2's, but I wouldn't argue too much over putting 2 over 1 since both of them are pretty fun.
Not sure if it's hate, but it just wasn't as enjoyable to play as 1 or 2 for me. It's definitely the weakest of the three Sonic Advance games but it's not awful.

>Sonic advance 3 > Sonic advance > Sonic advance 2

This. I don't trust anyone who says otherwise.

I was legit surprised at how good DS Colors was, enjoyed it more than the Wii game.
Vanilla best girl btw.

What's going on in the rightmost animation?


Level design was kinda bad, but its the only bad thing I can think of 3, desu I like it the most of the 3.

All the advance games need are widescreen remasters, I hope we get them before I fucking die

never tried it, is it good ?

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Grinding for resources and constant boat piloting mini-games

it's Sonic Rush except it suffers from the same needless filler that plagued the 2000s console games

Level design and enemy placement is annoying, with the hubs being pointless wastes of time.
Has the best music and graphics of the three, though.

3 has 1 incredible zone (Chaos Angel), 2 good zones (Rt 99, Cyber Track) and meh-to-bad everything else. I want to replay it again because CA was that good but it's not worth going through the mid game.

its mixed. 3 is more interesting but unfair with traps.
2 is faster and easier but atleats the difficulty spikes are reactable

I'd like to see more adventures in Blaze's world. They already got robot rivals there, and the majority of the dimension is a blank canvas for world building.

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Well, there's not much to discuss if you're just going to start off 100% correct like that.

I'd love to see the mainland. We got equivalents of South Island and such, now I'd like to see Blaze's kingdom.

Blaze being from another dimension is such a pointless concept considering her "world" doesn't even feature any significant differences from Sonic's.
They should have just had her be from a distant island kingdom or whatever instead.

Reminder that the babylon rogues kind come from Blaze's dimension

In my younger days I made up a concept to separate the two worlds partly based on what I read in the Archie comics.

Sonics world is a stable world and the chaos emeralds are what brings in brief the random and un natural elements to it over time. Balze's world is destructive & constantly changing and it's the soul emeralds that keep it together.
Also the Soul and Chaos emeralds have different functions beyond both just being very powerful like say the Chaos Emeralds are known to cause to unpredictable behavior in an otherwise logical situation while the Soul ones are all about order and taking that randomness away. The Chaos emeralds can give a robot free will while the Soul Emeralds can take free will away, basically they're like ying & yang, freedom & control.

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Original ranking was incorrect, this is now correct
S3&K > Genesis 2 > Mania+ > Daytime Unleashed > SA = SA2 > Generations > CD > Genesis 1 > Advance 2 > Advance 1 > Colors > Genesis Spinball > Genesis 3D Blast > Nighttime Unleashed > Lost World > 06

You're forgetting Eggman Nigga

>Advance 2 is goo-

Nega is a garbage character who was retconned to be from the future anyway.