July 2022

>July 2022

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Elden shit

elden stink

Guys. Why are these fuckers in Caelid so hard. I went there after Liurnia becuase my friends told me that was the next story progression point, to beat Radahgan, but I’m stuck at this divine tower and the boss is literally one-shorting me while I barely deal any damage to him. Even the fucking bell bearing hunter is fucking my shit up. How am I supposed to beat Rahdagan if these assholes are giving me trouble. Should I be going somewhere else?

It has the least amount of soul out of all of from's games.
Big open world was a mistake

Depends on what you mean by soul. The little touches and brief moments are among some of the best in the series.

If this were true you’d have bothered to name even one memorable moment

I still haven't played, although I've played all the previous games on release. I just don't like the open worlds and how this game looks.

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Elden fart

The first dragon encounter, for one.

Faggen Ring

You're in Dragonbarrow not Caelid

I ended up in Caelid early from a trapped chest and just kinda stayed there after fighting my way out of the tunnel. The Black Blade Kindred beat my ass for a while so I came back to him later after I could take more than 1 hit without dying. He's weak to strike damage so use something with that if you've got it.
Isn't Dragonbarrow just northern Caelid?

onion ring

Can’t believe I fell for hype and paid $70 for a shit game that’ll be free on plus next year floppen ring

I mean, I'm still playing. I definitely burnt out on it middle of April though, so I took a break but now I'm back.

yes but Caelid is a level 50-60 area and Dragonbarrow is a level~100 area, the is a connection point between them where you can jump over to Dragonbarrow near the divine tower you're talking about, I crossed at the same point and was getting fucked by basically any npc

if you want a progression map this is a pretty good one

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I just realized I never went to the divine tower in Stormveil. How do I even get there? I stopped exploring Stormveil after I beat it.

Read my inputs-Ring

nice meme, i just took this in the last hour. Shame that Steam screenshots come out looking washed out when you use HDR. If only i could show you lads how kino this cave shot looks

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I think I took a dozen screenshots the first time I went in the crater and wound up in an open area. It’s amazing how it looks like stars in the night sky but is actually just glittering stones in a giant cave.

There are literally 4 other threads about it up at any time.

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a e s t h e t i c

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How did from software drop the ball so hard with elden beast is my question

>boss at divine tower
it's optional, beating him gets you a neat FTH sword and his creepy armor but that's it. You can come back later. If you're trying to activate the great rune from Radahn then take a right at the grace at the top of the tower not a left. The right goes to the top of the tower, the left just goes down to the boss.

>I keep being one-shot
level your vigor. Because it's open world and longer than other souls games then it scales differently. You need vigor to be your 2nd or third highest stat most of the time. But if you're being one-shot ever, at all, no matter by who, then your vigor is too low for that area.

By end game even the worst bosses shouldn't be able to one-shot you from max health.

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go right through the main gate, past the ballistas, and turn right, going through the passageway guarded by the dog (with the four suits of armor)


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Parry the Bell Bearing Hunters and never move more than 10 feet from them and it’ll make your day 10x easier.