Obviously copy Hydlide/Ultima

>Obviously copy Hydlide/Ultima
>"Uh, yeah, Zelda was actually inspired by me exploring the woods as a kid"

Why do we let some developers get away with being poetic/deceptive with the truth? Is it just to be polite?

Attached: shigeru-miyamoto1.jpg (1000x563, 297.39K)

Obvious rip off of D&D

I think you misunderstood him. He wanted to make a game that gave the same feeling as exploring the woods as a kid. It inspired him to make an exploration based game with lots of secrets. Obviously the gameplay and aesthetics drew from a variety of other sources.

t. it's ok when nintendo does it

Isn’t DnD a ripoff of LOTR?

OP: "Don't derail my hate thread!"

Even if this is supposed to be bait, you're not wrong. It's really annoying that Mario Galaxy gets all the credit for microworld gravity when Psychonauts did it 2 years prior.

Don't forget the real time menu he copied from tower of druaga


Ripped dragon slayer too

Don't forget Tower of Druaga.
Didn't now Dungeons & Dragons was a video game. Brilliant insight there.

remember kids. if you didnt do something first you are copying/plagiarising. Oh you made a platformer? thats cheating, platformers have already been made. RPG? Already been done. You're getting sued.

All those old games ripped stuff off.

Like how normies think that Dragon Quest invented slime enemies in RPGs, even though Wizardry, Xanadu, Hydlide, Tower of Druaga already were doing it for the basic bitch level 1 mob.

reminder that everything is through various steps a rip off of the epic of gilgamesh

isn't LOTR a ripoff of olde spoken folk tales?

Could be because no one played Psychonauts.

Aren't oral folktales just a ripoff of campfire stories?

Cuneiform wasn't even translated until 100+ years ago so nobody even knew about Babylonian stories for the majority of history.

It's based on Anglo-Saxon and Norse stuff liked Beowulf and Eddas.

You already made this thread on /vr/.

Attached: Capture.png (1210x589, 148.29K)

it's ok when anyone does it because games, books, movies or anything are not created in a vacuum. if you think any of them are wholly original you are mistaken.

>Not created in a vaccum
Of course they're not user. Most are created in a house, or some sort of office building.

Attached: 1656362398282.png (954x636, 388.74K)

Who cares

>"never heard of" Ratchet and Clank
>"never heard of" LittleBigPlanet
I can understand him not knowing about obscure cult hits, but his desire to big league competitors is really obnoxious. There's no way in hell he's never even heard the name of his competitors' flagship franchises.

If I steal something cool but unpopular and try to pass it off as my own, does that make me a genius or an asshole?

Gilgamesh's plots and themes were passed down genetically and metaphysically.

he actually mentioned in an interview a while back that he used to watch his kids play SEGA games back in the day to try and figure out how to compete.

so instead, he just went out of his way to make sure they could be played on Nintendo consoles instead by getting the industry to gang up on them

Hydlide is garbage lol. And if you actually played Ultima you wouldn’t think of it when playing Zelda. The closest game to it before it came out was Tower of Duraga; but even that was not really too similar IMO. And a lot less fun. Zelda really was something totally complete and new when it released in 1986. You basically just outed yourself as having no idea what you’re talking about

say what now

Reminder that Miyamoto doesn't even play that many video games. He's more of a visionary, so it would add up that it would be other Nintendo developers who took inspiration from these games with the original Zelda.

yeah dude, Miyamoto totally didn't play Atari games when working at Nintendo or any other games to help inspire him to make games of his own. totally a messiah figure where god game down and instructed him how to make Mario and Zelda.

Good artists borrow, great artists steal. Next question.

I don't get how you took me saying this important video game designer not actually playing many games translated to me sucking the guy's dick. Besides, he made Star Fox Zero. I'd be a fucking idiot for that alone, let alone other reasons. I was just saying that there's plenty of examples where he admits to not being a big video game player. He's absolutely played games, but not to the same extent as many other creative people in the industry. Hiroshi Yamauchi essentially didn't play video games period. That doesn't make him a genius, just a dedicated businessman.

Dumbest faggot in this thread


Literally what point are you even making. Also nice formatting.

you forgot the part where those great artists that steal are only great so long as they aren't passing off what they stole as coming from them originally.

in a country like Japan where mascots and cartoons and manga are a huge deal, somehow we're supposed to believe Miyamoto was some kind of hermit who never interacted with a computer game ever in his life, which I'm not convinced by.

Innovation isn't making something entirely new and original, it's making use of tons of pre-existing good ideas in one concise and refined package. Nothing in this universe is random. Everything stems from previous ideas. Everything innovative is built upon a pre-existing foundation.

A critically-acclaimed story doesn't pop out of nothing. They're made by people who experienced the right combination of things in their life, the right movies, the right stories. And then they find the common element, the pulse that creates one unified idea from them.

you think about dick sucking a lot, user. got something to tell us?

>somehow we're supposed to believe Miyamoto was some kind of hermit who never interacted with a computer game ever in his life, which I'm not convinced by
literally who has ever made that claim? are you retarded?

Nintendo (and especially Hackimoto) has the tendency to act that all the games they made were totally originally conceived by themselves alone. pretty disingenuous, user.