Any Forumsros, is the Heart's Desire Bundle worth it??, or should i just buy the game alone?

Any Forumsros, is the Heart's Desire Bundle worth it??, or should i just buy the game alone?

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Depends, what the hell is the hearts desire bundle? That being said, I have Reflexion and it's shit
>it's just 3 minute VN segments of AU Asuka and you click and point on different parts of her body for 3 minutes
>do this like 8-10 times
>that's the entire game
It's not even that sexy. It's a very mild step up from the dressing room in mainline Senran games where you can click their tits and they react. Except you need to spam 200 clicks to fill up a bar to continue.

Meet and Fuck flash games on Newgrounds had better gameplay and had actual porn. Reflexion is terrible even for diehard Senran fans. I'm a fucking diehard Senran fan who owns a physical limited edition of every game that has one and I'm saying it's garbage.

Not OP but jeeeesus
Thanks a ton, I'm gonna play these in youtube

>Depends, what the hell is the hearts desire bundle?
the more expensive version on steam that includes what i assume is all dlc's

Ah, for all of the other characters? If you're a DESPERATE waifufag who isn't just horny but genuinely has emotional attachment to one of the girls then... yeah sure maybe it's the game for you. But for most people it's just a waste of time. It's a dating sim with zero dating but you get to hold a girl's hand while she makes cute moaning noises.

Seriously it feels like it's the most cynical and exploitative game ever designed to steal money off the most lonely and vulnerable fans out there.

Desperate Murasakifag here. It's not even great for the dating aspect. There's no real character development in this game aside from the last 2 minutes where the girl remembers who she is. The dream segments are very short out of character moments. Just watch the ending of whichever girl you are interested in.

huh, didn't know it was that shitty. Well, thanks for the help, i think im gonna pick the standard edition anyways just for the lols, besides since i'm a argentinian cunt, the game it's literally at 26 cents usd(64 pesos), so i don't mind buying it

on a different note, how is shinovi versus?

i liked that they put yomi on the NA box art instead of yumi

Oh, I liked it quite a lot. A natural evolution from Burst's 2D to 3D. If you ever played Burst you know pretty much what to expect. If you've only played Estival Versus and later then...

>Morris emphasis on speed. You move faster, you can chain more dashes together, attack canceling is easier
>However you get hard cutscenes for all ninja arts ans that can slow the game down
>Pretty solid story across all the routes (do Hanzo first)
>lots of fun times and silliness without ignoring the plot and personalities

I'd recommend it. Lots of people plsee it as the start of Yumi's reign of terror and hate but I still think its fine. The game is mostly easy except for the absolute final story or whenever you're forced to play Hibari though. At least Hibari can cheese most enemies with infinitr ground pounds

Yeah exactly! It's a dating sim about your waifu with no dating and she's not your waifu because she's like 5 different AUs. Literally what was the point? At least the Asuka one where she sneaks into your room dressed only in ribbons could theoretically be the same Asuka.

>yumi arc
>stays with you

>murasaki arc
>stays with you

>ryona arc
>will literally die if forced apart from you

>yomi arc
>hesitates, but ends up staying with you

>asuka arc

nice, and how does Burst compares to Re:newal?

>people buy this on a platform that isn't Switch

The HD rumble functionality was the main selling point.

Hm, it's hard to say. They're very different games. I will always have a soft-spot for Burst so it's hard to remain objective, but I feel like for most people BR is the better option. It modernised thr gameplay and it has more visual flair and polish. Not that Burst is really jank or unplayable lr anything, it's not like Neptunia where you ONLY want to playbthe remake games. But unless you're already a big fan I don't think going out of your way to play Burst is necessary? For most people BR is sufficient. Still, nothing beats the first time you play as Daidouji in Burst. She has completely different shaders on her model, which makes shadows in her darker. She looks visually striking and it really highlights what a fucking powerhouse she is. Especially when you can beat boss fights so fast the clear time says 0:00, she can LITERALLY instantly win with her burst. As a daidoujifag, Burst was one of her best appearances

I bought it on the switch and the HD rumble adds nothing. Its just regular rumble as far as I can tell, it's nothing special. The joycon shakes a bit when you're using a massage roller, who cares?

thanks a lot user, im just dipping my toes in Senran Kagura, i played estival versus and then decided to check on the rest of them. i'm playing Re:Newal right now and i'm a Huge Asukafag, so wthat's why i asked if Reflections was worth it. Really appreciate your insight, so thanks

Yeah no worries, it's fun to talk aboutbthe series. I love it and it's nice to have a real discussion about thr game that isn't just posting pics.

Fair warning, Peach Beach Splash has some issues on PC so it may not work on your machine. Issues include huge slowdowns or running in slow motion, graphical issues like everything being really jagged or shadows not loading, sound issues like no voices, sounds coming 3 seconds later or just dead silence, and more.

If you do want to get it, only get it cheap and download it immediately and test it so you can safely refund it

Absolutely not. All the girls shoo you away in the end.

They should have made it non-canon where they throw away their ninja lives for you.

I pity the newfags that picked this up and haven't learned about the tragedy of baseball-kun the chad.

Good for him, really. If I recall he did well in his game right? Maybe eing rejected gave him the encouragement to become better than he was before.

Is Homura in this?

Nope, she's not.