2 new regions

>2 new regions
>massive expansion

Attached: mh-rise-sunbreak.jpg (1000x523, 91.09K)

You know you can just start a thread by posting sincerely. You're part of the problem why this place has become an absolute shithole for any actual discussion and instead everything has to be self detatched and ironic.

Any hint of enthusiasm are shills or reddit.

I like monster hunter rise: sunbreak.

not me, fuck you, game is fun as fuck
Listening to Yakuza OSTs and blasting monsters in the face with Shoryugekis

>one (1) map

guiding lands is shit, just all maps mashed, no addition

>2 new regions
>Massive expansion.
Two can play that game.

Any lance users? What is your opinion on shield tackle vs. guard dash? Shield tackle seems like the same thing just with less mobility. I would use guard dash with leaping thrust I think to close distance quick but I'm struggling to see the benefit with shield tackle altho it does seem a bit quicker to get up

Attached: mh lance.jpg (299x168, 7.13K)

so what? doesn't invalidate OP
console wars rent free

What's console wars have to do with anything? World is on multiple platforms and so is Rise.
Console wars are rent free in your head.

Shield Tackle doesn't cost stamina, the recovery starts right away as you do the move. You lose Leaping Thrust but can go into pokes right away.

You lose a distance closer but you get something that keeps you in there really well I suppose? (Though some monsters are really energetic in G Rank) Haven't ran any Guard skills yet but haven't felt the need for it. Getting Offensive Guard boosts off of it and going through roars is fun though. Think the bash also does KO as well.

I run both on my scrolls though and switch so I don't have the issue of what to pick.

>sunbreak this bad
>bubububububububut iceborne tooooo!!
eat shit kiddo

Literally nothing to do with consoles.
Yalll shat on on World too. Then shut the fuck up and love it after rise. When the next Mohan releases you will pull the same shit for that with rise. You know this. Any Forums pulls this shit with Zelda as well.

Rise is completely empty compared to World.

>Gathering hubs? Gutted in rise to 4 max. No fun allowed.
>Housing? Gutted in Rise. Reduced to shitty toys, no furniture customization at all.
>Fishing? Gutted in Rise. Just press a button to get fish.
>Monster research? Removed in Rise.
>Endemic life? Removed in Rise.
>Felyne tribes? Removed in Rise.
>Buddy gadgets? Removed in Rise.
>Tailriders? Removed in Rise.
>Pendants? Removed in Rise.
>Treasure hunts? Removed in Rise.
>Steamworks? Removed in Rise.
>Guiding Lands? Removed in Rise.
>Big collab events? Removed in Rise.
>Poogie? Removed in Rise.
>Food? Removed in Rise. Eat your candy balls for babies.
>Monsters? It only has 17.

Now they're removing features from base Rise and putting in NOTHING to replace them. What were they even doing during development? Not adding more monsters than Iceborne, that's for sure. They've done nothing, just phoning in the most lazy cash grab ever.

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those rise threads are console war already, don't blame me.
every mh expasion so far follows this patterns of 1 to 2 new maps.

dude, half of Any Forums already BTFO these arguments, just stop.

Pretty big. Huge update to every weapon, every existing monster got a MR move set and armor, large monster count will be higher than IB's after the free updates. Basically as expected of a MH expansion.

you forgot the most important point
>Clutch claw? Removed in rise.
that alone already brings rise way above world.

>guiding lands is shit


>Still garbage

>2 generic as hell regions that are smaller than base game ones
>No new monsters, just a bunch of reskins

Genuinely a scam.

>1 new region
>massive expansion
Zzzzzzzz world babs being faggots AGAIN? This is going to be forever isn't it?

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BASED. this unironically but while listening to 80s buddy cop movies and playing the CPU buddy missions.

and one of them is literally recycled from previous games.

Is the cat thing really glitched? Or can you change your skills so it doesn't matter? Too scared to try the new cat stuff because of that.

>mommy, I posted it again!

Can I get a QRD on the new Kinsects? What's their new gimmicks?