Kao the Kangaroo is based

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kaokoin is dumping hard this was too ballsy a gamble

Haha I missed the bullrun and making fun lf crypto projects makes me feel better haha

Yeah it's a scam

Haha I dont understand blockchains or smart contracts so i call it a scam to cope haha

Anything can be a bullrun

Haha i use vague generalizations to cope haha

Dumb Mumus think you can't make a profit off shorting

Haha I have no reading comprehension so I make smug stupid replies haha

your brain on crypto...

I can confirm that nothing ever will be available on the Polium One

Haha i reply all because I could have made generational wealth but I was too busy playing shit games and this is my way of coping jaja

The games they showed for this are just other games put on a fake ui. They are getting torn apart and likely going to get sued for using unauthorized games to advertise it.

>can't have a good faith discussion so has to resort to irony and is seething so hard he can't proofread a post before sending it

Haha I say retarded shit and then pretend I am acting in good faith then get mad when I'm not taken seriously and respond with passive aggressive greentexts haja


Feels like the polium people are the ones doing these threads


cut ir out, why all of your criptobros seethes that hard, if all of you are so succeful You wouldnt mind that some "losers" talk shit about your fucking fake failed proyects


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Based Pablo

If by bullrun you mean rugpulls r us