Support French developers

support French developers

Attached: horror in hongdae.jpg (720x720, 80.62K)


I would be so surprised if this thing is from a porn game.

LE non.

Is this made by the guy that made the dune porn game?


You would be a newfag if you were surprised.

Now let Wakfu bNke a good vidya.


Attached: 591424_sleepsScreenshot.jpg (1276x719, 212.96K)

Stromg agree

Attached: 1657053002556.png (1200x1200, 743.85K)


Attached: behind the dune.jpg (700x459, 64.92K)

Not sure if anyone would deliberatly make cut lines on their brows like that.

Sex with Alia

I would, Problems?

koreans are crazy

no, most frenchies are cucks
and in the words of the great james may
"they are a bunch of lecherous, land burning, workshire peasants"

England is a french colony since 1066

They are the only westerner with some artistic talent, they get a pass from me

Anglos are still mad that the french cucked King Arthur, kek

You may as well be saying France is a Roman colony.

Sure, name 3 french games with good gameplay

Every Ubisoft game.

>viking conquers normandy
>knocks up some easy french slut
>his descendant conquers england
>this is a victory for france

No wonder you have so many Africans