What's the hardest kind of game for a new player to learn? Fighting games? RTS?

What's the hardest kind of game for a new player to learn? Fighting games? RTS?

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harder to control multiple units rather than 1.


probably those autistic coding simulator games

Very few games are that hard to learn. Certain puzzle games are. Even the Zachtronics games, which are accessible-ish, filter millions.

playing terran 1v1 games is the hardest thing you can do in video games as far as learning the rts genre is concerned.


Rts. Fighting games are memorization. Not easy but I don't think they're hard, they just require time.

Rts are also memorization, but I find there's more to actually learn and absorb before you get to memorization.

Card Games, those things fucking sucks lol

>le hecking harderino game so funny!

What are these? I only know baba is you and it's not really hard

No, I don't mean games that require you drag and drop elements like Baba is You or Zachtronics stuff, there are puzzle games that require actually typing out code. The names elude me (they are hard to find as they are very unpopular).


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Eve Online

Not really. I love those type of games but the learning curve isn’t that bad unless you’re a literal brainlet since the pieces at play at that numerous. Grand strategy or rts games with just how much crap and info their is and various metas and so. Especially since what you learn isn’t transferable to other grand strats. I’m not saying these are the most complex games but having to learn about what techs to go for, all the troop types, what you should be an where, recognising game stats and just all the literal crap and modifiers is just slog. You’ll be reading the tooltips and descriptions half the time

>fighting games are memorization
why post an opinion when it just outs you as a retard that doesnt know what hes talking about

any multiplayer game that has existed long enough to burn off all casual players and only has a handful of autistic gods left playing that refuse to let go

Dwarf Fortress
Unreal World

Grand Strategy

Gunz: The Duel comes to mind

I still think it's moba you have to play with others

>any multiplayer game that has existed long enough to burn off all casual players and only has a handful of autistic gods left playing that refuse to let go
So the fighting game genre as a whole?

Genre with the highest entry barrier?
Probably anything that involves writing actual code. If you add some extra conditions, maybe online multiplayer games that only has some autists still playing, old Sierra (and other older non-Sierra) adventure games with obtuse puzzles and unwinnable situations, and hard as fuck RPGs like Wizardry IV. After that, you have all the arcade games can go to their respective limits, with a death screen as their proper ending.

For any game over a decade old, kinda. It's a bit deceptive though since way better resources exist today. Wikis with frame data, easily accessible match footage, and discords you can ask autists about shit make it far easier to catch up.