Nioh 2

Hey guys is Nioh 2 good?

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why isn't it on sale


It hardly ever goes on sale.

Yeah, but it's literally the same game as Nioh 1 which is cheaper so play that first.

Yes. Just skip Nioh 1.

This is the game that souls wishes it was

I want to buy it.
What is the combat like?

Now that is just a stupid fucking thing to say. The game Dark Souls wants to be is Dark Souls. The fact that there are a hundred DaS clones but nobody has bothered to copy Nioh kind of tells it all about which design is stronger.

Nioh is still a fine game though.

Stick to dark souls

lol no

Nioh combat is generally faster and more aggressive, it's built more for you to devise combos to use in combat while juggling stances and actions that restore your stamina at close range rather than circling to do occasional chip damage.

You have 3 stances + sheath. You are expected to use them all. You have a Ki pulse. It is like active reload but for your Ki (Stamina). You have a handful of different weapon types and each one has active skills that you bind to each input. You can have 2 weapon types equipped at once and switch between them mid combo once you are good enough with the controls. You have Yokai attacks and Burst Counters. You have Magic/Ninjutsu, put 20-30 points in each no matter your build. Play it if you are able to learn new mechanics. Can you string basic combos together in other action games? You should be fine. Things like Ki pulse/Flux become muscle memory after awhile but you need to actually force yourself to use them for that to happen. You also have bows/rifles/cannons that are constantly equipped and come out quick. There is more but this is all of the basic combat stuff for the most part. Since these threads can't exist without these retards trying to start their feud I guess it is also worth saying don't play it like a Souls game. Be aggressive, use block more than dodge/roll to evade attacks and don't be afraid to use consumables.

No, it lets you play as a woman so all the sexless degenerates latched onto it so you can't even talk about the game/series anymore.

Faster, more engaging, and deeper than souls. I'm not stirring the pot, it's just fact

>use block more
Probably one of the best bits of advice, honestly. Took me a while to shed the "there's no way my shield could block that" mentality, the game is so much more enjoyable once that's gone.

I see, my favorite souls game is Sekiro and it too is all about going all out on the enemy and parring their attacks but Nioh sounds like it also has fighting game DNA.

>also has fighting game DNA
I'd say so, it's from the team that's been making the Dead or Alive franchise.

Yeah but hard its hard to master. Combat would never click for me but thats on me but I could appreciate why people enjoy iy

Kind of. There aren't any huge combo strings that require you to hit 8 different unique buttons in a row or anything like that. You can loop some of the basic combos though while fluxing. Flux is a passive skill you unlock in the Samurai tree and what it does is let you get more Ki back if you change stances as you Ki pulse. Essentially it lets you continue being aggressive. The actual inputs aren't very complicated to execute though. For example active skills are like L1+Square. So you can do something like Mid Stance Square>Square>Square>L1+Triangle>Flux into High stance>Triangle>Triangle>Triangle. Then when you are used to controls you can start switching your weapons part way through. Then there are Yokai attacks that you can throw anywhere in that combo. It might take a little bit to get used to but there aren't really any long specific combos that require unique inputs like juggling someone off of a wall in an Anime fighting game might have. It is just a bunch of smaller combos that can be strung together in different ways. Fighting Games are kind of like that too but if they are 6 button games the combos will ultimately be much more complex than anything in this game.

Nioh 2 is the best of the arpg genre atleast to me. Nioh 1 still is worth a playthrough though and id suggest it before Nioh 2. That way you don't feel hard pressed by the downgrade of going back to Nioh 1 at some point because the combat is improved in all but a few minor ways in 2.