I made a thread a few hours ago discussing Old School Runescape...

I made a thread a few hours ago discussing Old School Runescape. The thread kind of got derailed into a debate centered around the 2022 Pride Event. After some thinking, I realized that the MMORPG genre is all but completely dead. The top (western) MMOs have completely abandoned creativity, in return for the cash cow that is releasing an older version of the game to cash in on nostalgia. By very nature of what they are doing, this practice is unsustainable. When enough people are fed up with the modern game that there are official "classic" versions, that illustrates how far the MMO genre has fallen in the last decade. However, I do see the value in playing these classic versions. MMORPGs were huge from 2000-2012, almost representing an entire era of gaming. Allowing younger generations to experience these classic games is worthwhile. To be able to carry the legacy of what made these games great into the future. However, there becomes a time for new games, new ideas, new technologies to emerge. And for the past to become the past.

Attached: S0p7k0Z.png (758x496, 180.48K)

Go back.

Reject OSRS.
Return to 05 and early 06.

This game had so much soul man, I miss those old days

Attached: GE.png (527x1836, 48.71K)

>However, I do see the value in playing these classic versions.
literally zero value

I disagree. These games were played by millions in their heyday. That is not insignificant

I'd like to but where?

Just found a private server called 05scape but there were only like 10 people on. Still comfier than anything Jagex will ever put out in the future


lmao there was no price war when selling goods nobody DEMANDED to pay more for a product they just waited for someone to sell it low.

Yeah, I loved sitting in Falador park for hours manually typing out "selling whip 2m", that's what made the game fun

Play RS3 ironman fags.

That's how I learned how to touch type.

OSRS is an abomination. its 2007 RS2 with modern MMO crap built on top of it like raids.

>board that just gets mad at things to kill time to get mad at new thing gets mad at trivial thing instead of discussing game
Imagine my shock

I assume Any Forumsscape is still going. Check /vg/.

It's funny just how quickly old school MMO players were disproven with the reintroduction of OSRS. People quickly realized that things like trying to buy niche items for quests wasn't that fun when people were trying to sell them for 50k. Even trying to sell off select items took hours. Not to mention how many scammers there were. Remember, the osrs playerbase flipped their shit at the start of the launch when jagex automatically changed unidentified herbs. The same playerbase would vote in GE. A huge update that changed RS forever.

Are there still a diehard few? Sure, just head on to Any Forumsidyascape. Probably the best private server ever created, in terms of scope and how well it really does emulate 2006 version of rs. But that playerbase is probably 100 total.

People don't actually want to play the game they did as a kid. People started leaving in droves after a few months of osrs. It would have closed already if they never updated it. The cold hard truth is that osrs is better than 2006/7 ever was and the direction RS should have gone from the start.

tl;dr nostalgia nostalgia nostalgia

Project Gorgon is pretty neat.

Wow. What a waste. The poor bowstring salesman.

everyone but a few vocal retards realized that most decisions made by early MMOs were fucking stupid and interesting for 1 second before you realize they were just giant wastes of time
from there the rare game realized that they don't have to keep doing that shit, while most devolved to gacha or death
for some unknown reason those vocal retards will never shut the fuck up about how much they miss getting their ass reamed